Sounds like he may also be a proponent of "give everyone oxygen regardless"...
Not that it doesn't have its uses. We had an elderly patient today, called to a group care home (more independent living than SNF), 80 something female, not alert or responsive, eyes open but staring off into nowhere, otherwise rest of GCS 1-1. Like "she is breathing, right?". She was, about 22/min, a bit shallow but not alarmingly so, cool pale, weak radial, couldn't hear a BP, pulse weak enough I was doubting my palpated BP. Pulse Ox couldn't get a reading. So we gave her O2 10LPM via NRB.
By time ambulance showed up not even 5 min later she was waking up, woth purposeful movement, strong pulse, beginning to verbally respond to questions in the back of the ambulance.
So sometimes it can be a wonder drug... when you use other clinical judgment with other vital signs.