Fire gods smiled on us yesterday. 2 Alarm building fire, then a vehicle fire, no medicals beyond just a lift assist, though the EMS gods influence could be felt, we cleared the building fire after 2300, got the car fire at 0230, and the lift assist first thing before shift change lol
The nearest fire hydrant was over 2,000 feet away.
Freaking long lay, 2,200 feet from nearest hydrant to the fire. We dropped our entire 1,000ft of 4" supply line, had to wye it off to 2 parallel 2.5" hoses, 400 feet (used our entire 800ft of that), still had to pull 200' of supply line from the first in engine to us... and still needed a third engine to lay their entire 600' of supply from the hydrant to our hose!
Though I'm betting you CalFire folks thats business as normal lol