the 100% directionless thread

Why? The inevitable toll of obesity, poor diet and exercise finally showing the results?
Why? The inevitable toll of obesity, poor diet and exercise finally showing the results?
I know in my area there has been an increase in cardiac arrests in the field due to people not wanting to go to the hospital due to the COVID scare. That chest pain that grandpa has been feeling would normally make him call 911 or go the ED however he is now to scared to go in to get it checked.
I know in my area there has been an increase in cardiac arrests in the field due to people not wanting to go to the hospital due to the COVID scare. That chest pain that grandpa has been feeling would normally make him call 911 or go the ED however he is now to scared to go in to get it checked.

I know in my area there has been an increase in cardiac arrests in the field due to people not wanting to go to the hospital due to the COVID scare. That chest pain that grandpa has been feeling would normally make him call 911 or go the ED however he is now to scared to go in to get it checked.
This. Were also seeing transplant patients that have coexisting issues that are becoming really sick.
Are there any field troponin tests?
Sorta. There are point of care tests but the agency has to decide they want to do them, get approved to do a clia waver and spend 100 dollars on the test that they can't bill for.
Taco dinner

All the fixings, bell peppers, beans, sour cream, cheese... 🌮 🌮

Made fresh guac 🥑
What did Crunchies ever do to you?

My mom used to make Spanish rice with bell peppers. I had to finish my portion every time. She stopped making me eat it when I threw up while trying to force it down.
My mom used to make Spanish rice with bell peppers. I had to finish my portion every time. She stopped making me eat it when I threw up while trying to force it down.

Oh. That's what my dad did to me with Brussel sprouts. Even the smell of one makes me rerch
Raise your hand if you've been victimized by parents forcing you to eat food. ✋
Always chocked my parents force-feeding up to their lack of essentials growing up themselves; never felt victimized.

As an adult, I’ve always known when to discern full from gluttony. Guess that’s just me though...
Always chocked my parents force-feeding up to their lack of essentials growing up themselves; never felt victimized.

As an adult, I’ve always known when to discern full from gluttony. Guess that’s just me though...
It was a joke. .-.
Always chocked my parents force-feeding up to their lack of essentials growing up themselves; never felt victimized.

As an adult, I’ve always known when to discern full from gluttony. Guess that’s just me though...

Our experiences aren't about being forced to overeat, but being forced to eat food that doesn't agree with us. I threw up because I couldn't handle the taste of the peppers, not because I had had too much.