the 100% directionless thread

I don't cuss and I honestly cannot interpolate that.

Are you being sarcastic? Cause don't you work with fire?


Part sarcasm part truth and I can say wholeheartedly that I work with fire... I’m a firefighter paramedic after all.
Oh he was in the army and runs marathons and said he's glad I texted him cause I seem very interesting.

I give him 3 weeks before he sees the real me 👿
Oh he was in the army and runs marathons and said he's glad I texted him cause I seem very interesting.

I give him 3 weeks before he sees the real me 👿
Enjoy while it lasts. After a while you’ll get tired of them hitting on you. Had a female partner and we worked 911 transport with a fire department and the firefighters always were trying to ask her out. She got real tired of it after a while. But I did get a entertaining story out of it one time. She went on a date with a FF/PM who rode with me one time during my first go round with medic school and was talking mad **** about me to her. She thought it sounded like me with the story as I’d told her about it when we worked together. She called and asked to be sure, and when I confirmed, she called him back and told him to go to hell for talking **** about her partner. We both got a good laugh out of that one. Think this happened about ten years ago now. Gosh I’m starting to feel old now and I’m only 38
Enjoy while it lasts. After a while you’ll get tired of them hitting on you. Had a female partner and we worked 911 transport with a fire department and the firefighters always were trying to ask her out. She got real tired of it after a while. But I did get a entertaining story out of it one time. She went on a date with a FF/PM who rode with me one time during my first go round with medic school and was talking mad **** about me to her. She thought it sounded like me with the story as I’d told her about it when we worked together. She called and asked to be sure, and when I confirmed, she called him back and told him to go to hell for talking **** about her partner. We both got a good laugh out of that one. Think this happened about ten years ago now. Gosh I’m starting to feel old now and I’m only 38

I am not sure if this is "Enjoy".

It's weird and foreign.

And it's a taken me by surprise. I don't really know what to think.

He seems nice so I'll talk to him. But what may come of it? No idea
I recommend not dating anyone related to your profession. Find an engineer or something. They make good money.
Can he not find someone to date outside of his workplace?
I can't say much since I am doing this exact thing. However I was incredibly selective about it and it's the only time I've done it, not something I have made a pattern of doing. Just like anywhere there is plenty of sleeping around here, but there are a handful of relationships within the company or within EMS/PD/FD. The ones that actually go to that step are actually pretty solid relationships/marriages. I definitely agree that it shouldn't be a routine for someone, but at least anecdotally, we've got some people that actually are great together.
I can't say much since I am doing this exact thing. However I was incredibly selective about it and it's the only time I've done it, not something I have made a pattern of doing. Just like anywhere there is plenty of sleeping around here, but there are a handful of relationships within the company or within EMS/PD/FD. The ones that actually go to that step are actually pretty solid relationships/marriages. I definitely agree that it shouldn't be a routine for someone, but at least anecdotally, we've got some people that actually are great together.

I think that there is a difference between getting to know someone you work with over time and dating them, and hitting on random people in your place of work.
I think that there is a difference between getting to know someone you work with over time and dating them, and hitting on random people in your place of work.

Yeah we don't even work together. It's not like he's a good friend that wants a more serious relationship.
I just don't get a lot of attention from guys. I don't wear makeup, try to be inconspicuous, and not make any waves.

But I struck up convo because he brought in a code and they quickly called it. Hospital already had a body bag on the bed in case they didn't get rosc. They didn't.

He asked if I wanted to go medic, I said I definitely did. We had a quick chat is all.

I was not expecting his number at all.
I think that there is a difference between getting to know someone you work with over time and dating them, and hitting on random people in your place of work.
Agreed, the fishing of the workplace that goes on is rather obnoxious. I just can't sit and say don't ever do it as a rule seeing as to how I followed it for years until I didn't. Still smart practice though for the most part. Just gotta be smart about it.
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I texted him
Actual EMS question now

Do pts make agonal gasping only right before we die? We had an older hospice pt today the was NDR. One time in the room she made some gasping as if to breathe but it seemed like she wasn't getting any air.

One time in the ambo she did it again.

She made it home safe and sound but the pt of mine that died didn't do any gasping. I'm sure not everyone does when they die.

Partner described them as "Apneic". Is that the correct term. Is that the same as agonal or different?
Actual EMS question now

Do pts make agonal gasping only right before we die? We had an older hospice pt today the was NDR. One time in the room she made some gasping as if to breathe but it seemed like she wasn't getting any air.

One time in the ambo she did it again.

She made it home safe and sound but the pt of mine that died didn't do any gasping. I'm sure not everyone does when they die.

Partner described them as "Apneic". Is that the correct term. Is that the same as agonal or different?
Apneic is no breathing. Agonal breathing refers to the gasps that some patient do.

It really varies. Some patients do it while others don’t. You can also see it with head trauma and strokes.
Apneic is no breathing. Agonal breathing refers to the gasps that some patient do.

It really varies. Some patients do it while others don’t. You can also see it with head trauma and strokes.

I didn't think it it was apneic because of that. A +pnea .

She maybe wasn't ventilating well and it was inefficient but I wouldn't describe it as apnea.

One time the pulse ox showed 0HR and 0 on sats, but I think she just wiggled it loose.

For a second I was like :000 PLEASE NO.

But she showed no distress.
May my kid's HDD rest in peace. Now on to installing Windows onto the new drive. Fortunately I at least have an old disk that works so I do KNOW that the new drive does work and I didn't kill her computer when I installed it...
May my kid's HDD rest in peace. Now on to installing Windows onto the new drive. Fortunately I at least have an old disk that works so I do KNOW that the new drive does work and I didn't kill her computer when I installed it...

Get an SSD. Don't bother with an HHD