the 100% directionless thread

I used to love bananas but about a year ago I had to stop eating them because the texture made me gag. I didn't use to be ok with onions but now I like them fine. Funny how our sensory preferences change.
Also, I had my family do the taste test paper. My dad couldn't taste it. I could.

I think I literally taste bitter things better than him. And he could not understand what was so gross about Brussel sprouts.
@VentMonkey one more post and I'll have 500; sixteen more and you'll have 5,000
On Valentine's Day, a part time girl I was working with was eating chopped bell pepper raw. I told her I thought that was weird, she told me to my big kid pants on, and she made me try it. I had to eat it with my eye clothes. It wasn't too bad, kinda sweet actually, but still weird for me to eat. I don't mind my food being cooked with bell pepper and onions, I think they add flavor to the food, but I find both gross to eat by themselves.

Bananas are my jam.

I'm still amazed you don't know how to use bobby pins. I feel like they are self explanatory. (I was just taking them out of my hair, getting ready for bed, and it made me think of you saying you didn't know how to use it, haha)
On Valentine's Day, a part time girl I was working with was eating chopped bell pepper raw. I told her I thought that was weird, she told me to my big kid pants on, and she made me try it. I had to eat it with my eye clothes. It wasn't too bad, kinda sweet actually, but still weird for me to eat. I don't mind my food being cooked with bell pepper and onions, I think they add flavor to the food, but I find both gross to eat by themselves.Z

Bananas are my jam.

I eat bell peppers like candy. Like apples. Like candy apples.
Apples are like candy, but bell peppers are bell peppers.
Bell peppers 🤮
I made roasted veggies the other day. Carrots, potatoes and Brussel sprouts, along with a beautiful ribeye steak. I took the leftovers to work and the crew that runs out of the station where my office is staged a revolution and demanded I no longer bring Brussel sprouts to the office due to the smell.

I usually heat up my lunch in a little crock pot and I guess the odor of the sprouts drive them to near mutiny. At least I don’t do fish in the microwave.