the 100% directionless thread

Probably isn’t that hard when you use a wahl clipper and a 0.
Yeah I'm not doing that to my hair
Gather around kids. It's story time.

For my 27th birthday, me and my girlfriend (at the time) and her female roommate and boyfriend all went out to dinner. We talked about stupid things we did as kids. The roommate's boyfriend mentioned that he shaved his head once. The roommate stated that she was looking for something stupid-fun to do and said that she would shave her head for me for my birthday.

So after dinner we went back to the apartment, went out onto the patio, and broke out the trimmer. Yep, shaved all of her hair off - completely sober. Oh, but that's not all.

She hopped into the shower with her boyfriend, and shave her head. Bic'd it clean. Cue ball smooth.

One of my favorite birthdays ever - just for the story alone.
Last night was the first time ive flown a patient since this whole mess started. Even being based at a hospital, I just havent been in to see whateveryone is doing.

I felt like an extra on outbreak, but the extra that you know is gonna die cause he isnt wearing a mask.
Sometimes life isn't so bad
@Chimpie, you ol’ sailor, you! Sounds like the friends GF was more in to you than your GF...
this is a thread that has no specific topic. since it has no specific topic, it is absolutely impossible for us to be off topic. please feel free to chime in with whatever you darn well feel like. lyrics of your favorite song, the weather where you are, a detailed play by play of your last call, the contents of your left pocket. anything. lets just let it flow. remember, since there is no main topic to begin with, at no point can this thread ever be off topic, so we'll have none of that "lets stay on topic" business. cant be done. there isnt one. of course, all other rules apply. lets see how long we can keep thing going.

so, to begin this completely topicless thread, its raining right now, im watching house and am considering a snack of some kind.

tell me something random from your life today, or anything else.

The post that started all the madness. Absolute legend. Heroes are remembered but legends never die.
I've thought about cutting my hair short, but I always feel like I'd regret it. I would never ever go bald ever.
I HATED being bald. Had to get that look in Basic, AIT, and Recruit Academy, ugh. Never again if I can help it lol
Decided to get back into art for a second.

Happy Easter y'all.


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Probably isn’t that hard when you use a wahl clipper and a 0.

Drunk me thought that #1 clipper = 1mm......The high and tight is extra tight right now