the 100% directionless thread

So I'm at LAX right now waiting to board my flight to Honolulu to take HFD's physical ability test tomorrow. I took a chance and selected the 10am flight....I got off work this morning at 7, but it wasn't until 8 I actually got out of station to leave for the airport. ~40min drive find parking and wait for the shuttle bus to the terminal, and entered the security line at 9:10, boarding supposed to start athe 9:15. Suppressing a mild but rising panic lol made it thru security at 930, ran to the thankfully nearby gate.. and the flight is delayed die to the captain having had a "personal emergency" so now it's just sit back and relax and wait out the delay vs missing my flight and dealing with that mess....while I'm not superstitious, I am a little stitious lol so I'm gonna look at this as a positive sign :)
So I'm at LAX right now waiting to board my flight to Honolulu to take HFD's physical ability test tomorrow. I took a chance and selected the 10am flight....I got off work this morning at 7, but it wasn't until 8 I actually got out of station to leave for the airport. ~40min drive find parking and wait for the shuttle bus to the terminal, and entered the security line at 9:10, boarding supposed to start athe 9:15. Suppressing a mild but rising panic lol made it thru security at 930, ran to the thankfully nearby gate.. and the flight is delayed die to the captain having had a "personal emergency" so now it's just sit back and relax and wait out the delay vs missing my flight and dealing with that mess....while I'm not superstitious, I am a little stitious lol so I'm gonna look at this as a positive sign :)
jims gonna set a new level of records on his p-fit test :D
You entered security at LAX at 9:10 with a 10am flight? You have some brass dude.
You entered security at LAX at 9:10 with a 10am flight? You have some brass dude.
I was legit starting to panic lol, in my pre planning I honestly expected to be here 20-30min earlier
On the bright side, maybe some people will actually move to Canada. You know, with the water supply issues you guys have and all it would help you out some. :p
I was legit starting to panic lol, in my pre planning I honestly expected to be here 20-30min earlier

I once drove from my safe haven Coachella Valley to LAX to pick up a friend... never ever driving to LAX again. Miraculously found a parking spot right across from the terminal, but the real kicker was the traffic.
On the bright side, maybe some people will actually move to Canada. You know, with the water supply issues you guys have and all it would help you out some. :p
I'm just waiting for the inevitable Canadian reciprocity threads to start.
On the bright side, maybe some people will actually move to Canada. You know, with the water supply issues you guys have and all it would help you out some. :p
Al sharpton said he was leaving... ill give him a lift if he needs one:P

So I made the mistake of going onto Facebook for the first time in 48 hours. This was the first thing I thought of when I was reading posts/ shared posts. Everyone seems to become a political expert during election years... grow up and support your country. Ask what not your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Untied we stand, divided we fall.
Ask what not your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Untied we stand, divided we fall.
this is the only reason i voted... did i like anybody no... i voted for my mother, but i fkin voted, too many people fight, and have fought for our privilege to vote, and its shameful if you dont vote... Especially folks that complain non-stop about OUR country.
Sorry for my tirade, just strikes a heart-string >.<
I think I started one a few months ago. Problem is, there's no jobs for my wife in Nova Scotia. Otherwise, we would already be there.

All I know about Nova Scotia comes from one source:
It's peach and cake to get hired. A buddy of mine took the test and passed with flying carpets. And, when you get hired as a medic up there, they throw you a Liquor and cheeseburger party.
what about EMT's? can i still get a cheeseburger party?
Just got the email saying congratulations. I'm now dedicating the next year of my life to anxiety and suffering. Welcome to medic school.
Just got the email saying congratulations. I'm now dedicating the next year of my life to anxiety and suffering. Welcome to medic school.
Congrats and condolences lol

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