the 100% directionless thread

NYS: But it hurts so good. Unlike my arms right now, got a little stubborn when I told my buddy to throw whatever he could think of at the gym. Not used to abusing them like my legs. :confused:
I want an Amazon Echo. And all the gadgets that go with it.
She's all-right ("Alexa"), my wife detests her as she's quite picky who she'll listen to; great for my backyard BBQ's though.
NYS: But it hurts so good. Unlike my arms right now, got a little stubborn when I told my buddy to throw whatever he could think of at the gym. Not used to abusing them like my legs. :confused:
I do them only because they're excellent for speed training. That doesn't mean I won't ***** and moan during the whole workout though...
I do them only because they're excellent for speed training. That doesn't mean I won't ***** and moan during the whole workout though...
I hear that. I much prefer sprints for speed, rotating 100m's is nice. Though in all honestly, I just prefer it because I get a chance to walk....

This has inspired me though. I am going to run to the river tomorrow. Easy run to. Brutal hill (very steep and long) on the way back.
Y'all are crazy. I can run for days, but down and back in the pool and I'm done :confused:

Alls y'alls are nuts....
I'd die if I had to swim laps... But I love SCUBA diving
I can run pretty well, but I hate every minute (despise treadmills)
Put me on a bike (actual bike, not stationary) and I'll ride from morning to night
For cardio, the best bang for my buck is the C2 rower

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Huge pet peeve of mine when people persist in trying to "correct" your opinion. How self righteous!!!!!!
Oftentimes I just correct their grammar

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Huge pet peeve of mine when people persist in trying to "correct" your opinion. How self righteous!!!!!!

So that everyone is happy, I will post this with "proper grammar". It is a huge pet peeve of mine when people feel compelled to "correct" my opinion. It is also quite irritating when they feel the need to correct my grammar, since it is usually impeccable.
Now I shall retreat from the world since I am in a particularly peckish mood and am at risk of biting heads off.
Got my flu shot today. I didn't ask, but does anyone know if Kaiser gives the trivalent or quadrivalent flu shot? I can't find the answer on the Internet.
Got my flu shot today. I didn't ask, but does anyone know if Kaiser gives the trivalent or quadrivalent flu shot? I can't find the answer on the Internet.

Only you would ask a question like that.
Got my flu shot today. I didn't ask, but does anyone know if Kaiser gives the trivalent or quadrivalent flu shot? I can't find the answer on the Internet.
They give yhe one filled with autism

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