Forum Deputy Chief
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Oh no, not the dreaded OR. It is so much worse than the non-dreaded OR.
Seriously, I wish I could have some of you guys come spend the day with me and my partner on a busy day. We'd have you doing airway assessments, dropping tubes, stuffing LMA's, switching LMA's out for tubes, masking every patient for at least 10 minutes, using US to scan lungs and vasculature.....it'd be fun.
Edit: maybe even place a a-line or two.
If I could just get a couple hours of time doing BLS airway maneuvers and bagging, I'd be a happy camper. No fancy tubes or anything for me, I promise!
That would be amazing. Unfortunately I will be going to a Level 1 academic center that uses predominantly AAs. I almost wish they would let us go to the GI lab, they always seem to be so nonchalant.
How's working with AAs been? More or less the same as CRNAs as far as scope?
Our OR rotations (all four of them) were the best part of medic school for me. So much resuscitation knowledge to be had too. Granted I found the OR to be a terrifying environment since I'd never spent any time in them but my program partnered with several anesthesiologists who wanted to precept paramedic students and it was great. Pretty excited to go back for my RSI class sometime in the new year.
Is it typical for anesthesiologists to want to precept?
If I had to pick just one....probably Jefferson Reserve or Elijah Craig. But any good bourbon, really.
Ahh, my friend, if you haven't tried Jefferson Reserve's bourbon aged at sea, you are in need of some! It is the tops!
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