Maybe I am not explaining myself very well; possibly semantics, maybe a bit of philosophy...
Are you saying that style and personality have no influence over whether an internship is successful? Or at least an enjoyable learning process?
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Nah, you're clear as day. It was more of a blanket statement in that they have no business being preceptors to begin with.
They (IMO) often short change their interns, unless their interns are completely self-motivated.
A good preceptor can help foster, and/ or guide their interns, and aren't "out to fail" people.
The flip side being the interns themselves being self motivated (or lacking), and having an open mind.
I just can't see how anyone in life in general who "just gets by" can be tasked with a role like being a mentor.
As far an enjoyable learning process? I think that's subjective. I had tons of fun with the trainees, and/ or interns that took in what I had to offer, and vice versa. I always offered up my number to them once the process was done as well.
I'm a big believer in "if I trip over the rock first and want to offee you ways around it then by all means have enough respect to listen."
Again, just my point of view, and you explained it clearly enough in my book
