the 100% directionless thread

Just end...pleaseeeee lol. I maintain all professional sports are fixed!
You can't rush history...or the curse of the billy goat.
You can't rush history...or the curse of the billy goat.

But work will rush my sleep. Gotta be up in 4 Ish hours lol

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But it's only 9:15...oh...wait...

Yea..... That's a big oh wait lol ;). At least it's back on for now

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You know it's big when even half of the fans in Cleveland cheer for the Cubbies.
Yeah, went for coffee last night. Met at 2020ish, got home at like 23:30. Shower, wind down, etc... Oh and a little eBay auction for a new Balvenie 30year, yeah baby.

Up at 0345 for work. Is it 5am Sunday yet?
108 years! Just witnessed baseball history! Way to go Cubs!!!
Well, at least the team that beat us out to the World Series isn't the one that lost it lol (Cubbies beat the Dodgers in the Playoffs, so at least the team good enough to beat us was the team good enough to win the whole shebang :P )
Well, at least the team that beat us out to the World Series isn't the one that lost it lol (Cubbies beat the Dodgers in the Playoffs, so at least the team good enough to beat us was the team good enough to win the whole shebang :p )
Three words: it's The Cubbies!?!!
Without a doubt one of the best baseball games I've watched.
No issue besides crappy scheduling and having clinicals drag *** so I could actually test. :mad:
I feel that, I had close to five weeks of dead time between phases during my internship. Do not wish to repeat.
My program was rad; I started clinicals during my last semester of didactic and started my internship while in clinicals once my nurse preceptor signed off that I was "safe". I still had to finish clinical hours but would fit them in between my intern shifts. Also, the program director knows all the preceptors and would hand pick yours based on personality to avoid some of those "X-factors" that can make the process dreadful.

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the program director knows all the preceptors and would hand pick yours based on personality to avoid some of those "X-factors" that can make the process dreadful.
Dreadful for whom? As a former preceptor they'd do this from time to time, and it wasn't always easy to deal with the "handful" type interns. In fact, it was a large part of what turned me off, and away from precepting.
I've seen several "mismatches" with interns and preceptors. Whether it's the student or the preceptor (or both), style and personality can get in the way of learning.

I'm not talking about the bad apples; my program required a lot of steps to get chosen and if you made it to your internship it was because you earned it. The director knew whether the student would be a good fit in a 48-hour transporting FD, the 12-hour third service or the privates. She would also pair those who had similar teaching/learning styles and general outlook. Those who were super Type-A don't always work well with a minimalist medic. Yada yada yada...

Those who were smart but had attitude problems went to a while other set of preceptors.

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Those who were super Type-A don't always work well with a minimalist medic.
Thes types of paramedics do no one any good, most of all themselves, and have zero business precepting; just my thoughts.