the 100% directionless thread

I think once you start diving into jokes about underage females and sharing their pictures you open up a path that the mods did not want us going down.

At least that how I percieved it.

While worse things are said on the rig, this is a public forum that is open to anyone with access to the internet.

I didn't see any pictures of underage females.
What do you do with creepy neighbors?
Block their thread! Lol.

Hey, it was the discussion. Not the photos themselves.

Reminder, this is my best guess.

I don't speak for Chimpie. Just a guess at why.
Shiny new key chain :)
Passes my medical section exam! Onto trauma!
Just bought an A&P book. I may not be able to go to medic school right now, but nothing can stop me from being ultra prepared when I do go. I've got my EKG interpretation book, pharmacology flashcards and this book. I've already started to dig in. I'm so hungry for this!
cant ever be too prepared!
Yeah, I was a bit bummed to see that get closed. Unless I missed something I felt like we were fairly well behaved.

Not quite sure what happened there? Any mods care to chime in?


I think once you start diving into jokes about underage females and sharing their pictures you open up a path that the mods did not want us going down.

I don't speak for Chimpie. Just a guess at why.

Pretty much. The thread got closed because I had to clean it up three times, gave public warnings, and it was still getting out of control.

Folks, you have to remember that we are growing by leaps and bounds. Our traffic is growing every month. We are the resource people use to find answers to their EMS questions. Heck, Google has even given us our own search bar.


Not only that, but we allow members/visitors from age 13 and up, and some of the discussions that happen on here are, well, not PG-13. And that's one of the guidelines we use.

Over the next year you're going to see some more changes and additions to the site that could make us the ultimate go-to source for EMS. We want to make sure it's a friendly and safe place to be.
You don't need a degree to apply to Stanford's PA program. Just meet their GE requirements and have a minimum of 3000 hours of HCE. Probably will still work on the masters route though.
Just got a formal offer for an RN position in a "critical access" hospital. It's a little bit of a drive, but the scenery is nice. It's going to be really nice having to work only 3 days per week instead of 5 for quite a bump up in pay. Don't worry... I'll always remember my Paramedic roots!
Just got a formal offer for an RN position in a "critical access" hospital. It's a little bit of a drive, but the scenery is nice. It's going to be really nice having to work only 3 days per week instead of 5 for quite a bump up in pay. Don't worry... I'll always remember my Paramedic roots!

::Akulahawk waves farewell as he rides his golden chariot into the sunset::
It is fun to watch this site grow. We are all proud of the hard work you put in chimpie! And I would say we are the leading ems source!
Just got a formal offer for an RN position in a "critical access" hospital. It's a little bit of a drive, but the scenery is nice. It's going to be really nice having to work only 3 days per week instead of 5 for quite a bump up in pay. Don't worry... I'll always remember my Paramedic roots!

so no more sac?! I still wonder if Ive ever met you or ran into you....Ive been in all the ERs there
Just got a formal offer for an RN position in a "critical access" hospital. It's a little bit of a drive, but the scenery is nice. It's going to be really nice having to work only 3 days per week instead of 5 for quite a bump up in pay. Don't worry... I'll always remember my Paramedic roots!

If it's anything like the CAH's in the northeast, you'll be reminded of your paramedic roots every day!

Do you still do EMS at all?
Eh, I guess I missed the "under age" stuff. Everyone there looked like an adult. Oh well... Onward.
Hubs is on his kelly days, and I'm off as well! Headed out to ski. It's a beautiful 50 degrees out in colorado today!

Anyone else getting out today?