the 100% directionless thread

Haha same here. Wife is definitely a "bamf" and quite prick-ish. Definitely a keeper.
Haha same here. Wife is definitely a "bamf" and quite prick-ish. Definitely a keeper.

Good way to describe this one for sure. She's a keeper, now just gonna have to see if I can keep her! Lol there's been some bumps but what relationship doesn't have any?
I'm right there with you. My wife is totally a BAMF and if vets had the equalivant of "the pricks", she's be one.
Are you gone for good sir? We did some spring cleaning.

Side note...RN student asked if she could study with us (myself and my flight medic buddy who's helping me with the CCP-C and FP-C) today at a coffee shop. We were talking about invasive hemodynamic monitoring, she didn't follow well...then we started talking about flight phys and doing some cardiology scenarios. She didn't stay for long once that started. Made me giggle. Then immediately went back to feeling stupid.
Dear fire paramedic student: If the patient is not complaining of nausea/vomiting and states he does not want any medications right now, you do not need to go into our kit and give him four of Zofran so you can screw my partner into taking a needless call. Get your med pushes some other way.

That is all.
Uhh, "hey dude. Get your mitts outta my bag". Or do you guys has to kowtow to fire there?
Uhh, "hey dude. Get your mitts outta my bag". Or do you guys has to kowtow to fire there?

I do this a lot,, If its not yours don't touch It, If I ask you for something sure go grab it.

I get irritated at Firefighters who think they control a medical scene.

Got to have a way of laughing during medic school
I do this a lot,, If its not yours don't touch It, If I ask you for something sure go grab it.

I get irritated at Firefighters who think they control a medical scene.
Wait till you see a fire based state. In my area, fire runs everything. If you think you have the right to say no, it's like they think they have the wrath of God on their side.
It's not like you have a lot of say, though. The only company in the area is Rural Metro and they won't back anybody up. It basically comes down to if a cap't complains, the revolving door is right in front of you.
Hey, that's what we did today! Minus the horse head... I think that would've been more fun, though.

He got it first try with the horse head. I think today was our last day of having Intubation as a skill. I need more practice however. I still don't know which blades I prefer. Right now I am leaning towards the Miller
He got it first try with the horse head. I think today was our last day of having Intubation as a skill. I need more practice however. I still don't know which blades I prefer. Right now I am leaning towards the Miller
All our mannequins are different, but a miller 2 worked great on almost all. Im a fan. Gonna be a bad habit if i get used to a 2, though. Gonna try that in a field and it won't be nearly big enough ha. Mac wasn't my favorite, but it did work for the giraffe tongue mannequins haha.
Uhh, "hey dude. Get your mitts outta my bag". Or do you guys has to kowtow to fire there?

He lost the right to take the lead on assessments when we show up on scene together with that one. I didn't. notice what he was doing since I was starting an IV and my medic partner was talking to family. Learned a lesson on that one.
He got it first try with the horse head. I think today was our last day of having Intubation as a skill. I need more practice however. I still don't know which blades I prefer. Right now I am leaning towards the Miller

All our mannequins are different, but a miller 2 worked great on almost all. Im a fan. Gonna be a bad habit if i get used to a 2, though. Gonna try that in a field and it won't be nearly big enough ha. Mac wasn't my favorite, but it did work for the giraffe tongue mannequins haha.

From my experience I've felt that the Mac offers easier use, where as the miller seemed a little awkward for me.

I've talked to seasoned medics who told me that when they first started they used a mac 3 or 4 for everything but once they got the hand of intubation and switched to a miller they would prefer a miller over the mac.

To me the Mac just seems to work for me to be most comfortable during intubation. I mean its not exactly a comfortable skill. afterall you need to have some forearm strength to visualize the cords. but with the miller it seemed like I had to work a bit harder. and Intubating a real person vs. fred the head seemed a bit easier as far as muscle strength the human head is much more plyable vs. a rigid manikin but now you got secretions, and possibly trauma already in the human.
Mac 3-4 is my go to. Never used a miller other than messing around in class. I do not like them at all.
I've used a Miller once... on a goat.
Kinda annoying but I've used a miller 1 a lot. Adults I like Mac 3s though. I'm gonna need to go in and review skills before I go back to work lol
Mac 3-4 is my go to. Never used a miller other than messing around in class. I do not like them at all.

I have a tendency to be on the teeth when I use a Mac in class.