the 100% directionless thread

I'm to the point of having conversations with the dog. My girlfriend actually took the keys to my sled because she caught me working on it and it's supposed to snow a bunch this weekend.

I never realized how literally everything I do to burn time, besides drinking, involves relatively intense physical activity.

Keep your head up man. I felt the same after my wreck almost 7 years ago. Went from full time medic/vollie fire medic/PT medic/911 dispatcher to full on stop, couldn't leave the house or drive for 4 months. Then had to bust my *** in PT to get back to work and not lose my shift.

Looking back it was hard as hell but I'm here and it's like the wreck never happened. It will get better. Take the time to learn and better yourself.
Keep your head up man. I felt the same after my wreck almost 7 years ago. Went from full time medic/vollie fire medic/PT medic/911 dispatcher to full on stop, couldn't leave the house or drive for 4 months. Then had to bust my *** in PT to get back to work and not lose my shift.

Looking back it was hard as hell but I'm here and it's like the wreck never happened. It will get better. Take the time to learn and better yourself.

That's what I'm trying to do. My girly put it pretty well. "You went from being the running and gunning snowmobiling, gym going, dirt biking, hiking, climbing, skiing, paramedic, TEMS wannabe, extrovert with constant human interaction to a couch potato that can't do any of the things he loves besides one."

Basically sums it up. I'd go out and cruise around on some easy trails in the truck but don't have the money to pay for the extra diesel and can't risk breaking the truck.

It'll get better. To be honest I'm kinda afraid for when I go back to work but she keeps telling me it'll be like riding a bike.
That's what I'm trying to do. My girly put it pretty well. "You went from being the running and gunning snowmobiling, gym going, dirt biking, hiking, climbing, skiing, paramedic, TEMS wannabe, extrovert with constant human interaction to a couch potato that can't do any of the things he loves besides one."

Basically sums it up. I'd go out and cruise around on some easy trails in the truck but don't have the money to pay for the extra diesel and can't risk breaking the truck.

It'll get better. To be honest I'm kinda afraid for when I go back to work but she keeps telling me it'll be like riding a bike.

She's right. I went right back in after being out 9 months and by the end of shift 2 it was like I'd never been off. Skills were a little rough and assessments didn't flow as easy but it all came back pretty quick.
That's what I'm trying to do. My girly put it pretty well. "You went from being the running and gunning snowmobiling, gym going, dirt biking, hiking, climbing, skiing, paramedic, TEMS wannabe, extrovert with constant human interaction to a couch potato that can't do any of the things he loves besides one."

Basically sums it up. I'd go out and cruise around on some easy trails in the truck but don't have the money to pay for the extra diesel and can't risk breaking the truck.

It'll get better. To be honest I'm kinda afraid for when I go back to work but she keeps telling me it'll be like riding a bike.

TEMS wannabe :rofl:

High five to your girl for saying that haha
Doing a lot better thanks for asking. Found out the ER and first ortho missed a displaced SC joint but there's nothing they can really do about it now.

Appointment with a new orthopedist next week so hopefully I'll get a timeline. Pushing 11 weeks out now so starting to have to get to the point of considering if they're going to click me over to long term disability or if I'll be back before they have to make that decision. They're having a hard time gauging a timeline since it's non-surgical and multiple small tears in multiple the stability is shot to :censored::censored::censored::censored: but there really isn't much they can do until I either fully destroy it or PT it back into stability. I feel like every two steps forward I end up taking one backwards. I miss work. Never thought I'd say that. Getting paid to do nothing was cool for about 3 weeks until I realized I had no play money, just bill money.
Progress is progress, though. Like shfd said, it'll get there. I hope its not a long time for you. No surgical should always be a good thing, even if it's a longer heal time. And let us know how the next appt goes.
Don't do what I did, though, haha. When my leg got shattered, I just quit life, ha. Put on 90 lbs in 6 months, ha.
Whats it about?
Its a nerdy *** show haha. Its an "anime" as my cousin called it about street racing in Japan.
Best of luck to you Robb! Hoping you'll be back on the streets soon.

On another topic, just had an interesting talk from one of EMSAs medical directors regarding TXA administration, and am now attending one from Wake County's MD about spinal immobilization. Certainly interesting to see perspectives from other EMS providers...

Have a good day.
That's right.
The wait for my CA paramedic license is taking foreeeeeeeeeeeever! It's been "pending" for what seems like an eternity.
pneumoperitoneum leading to "obstructive" shock, respiratory into cardiac arrest. That's a first.
TEMS wannabe :rofl:

High five to your girl for saying that haha

She says thank you lol.

She's kinda bad ***. Still haven't quite figured out what to do with her.
Does your girlfriend work in EMS also?


She was joking the other day that she was going to switch with my partner my first day back, "so I can make sure you don't kill anyone." She's a little :censored::censored::censored::censored: talker but I dig it.
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She says thank you lol.

She's kinda bad ***. Still haven't quite figured out what to do with her.

Just marry her. You won't find anyone else like that.
Just marry her. You won't find anyone else like that.

Haha that's a long way off. Between the two of us someone would always be broken if not both of us lol.
Pirate's code:
A pirate code was a code of conduct invented for governing pirates, and first introduced by the 17th-century Portuguese buccaneer Bartolomeu Português. Generally each pirate crew had its own code or articles, which provided rules for discipline, division of stolen goods, and compensation for injured pirates.

Not to be confused with local EMS protocols.