the 100% directionless thread

kirky kirk

Uhmm.. Yes? :p


Forum Asst. Chief
Premium Member
I definitely agree that not everyone on welfare are addicts or uneducated. I can't say that I've been there myself but to think that it was true is asinine.

With that said I 100% support drug testing to apply for welfare. I've got no problem with the government spending a bit of money to do that.

Yanno, just for the sake of discussion..

It seems to me that if the gubbament is going to test welfare applicants, they should also test a vast list of other applicants for other benefits.. Start with Pell Grants. You could also continue on to Stafford Student loans, maybe Veteran's Administration Home Loans, Medicare... Don't stop at Welfare, include alllll the Federal programs meant to benefit low income people.. Know what I'm sayin?

Florida tried the whole drug testing thing, and it failed miserably..

Of the 4,086 applicants who scheduled drug tests while the law was enforced, 108 people, or 2.6 percent, failed, most often testing positive for marijuana. About 40 people scheduled tests but canceled them, according to the Department of Children and Families, which oversees Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, known as the TANF program.

The numbers, confirming previous estimates, show that taxpayers spent $118,140 to reimburse people for drug test costs, at an average of $35 per screening.


Forum Crew Member
<~~~~~ Is completely unaware of what the fox says. And I plan to stay uninformed on this particular matter, too!!

That's a good idea. I wasn't quite so smart. Let's just say that it's 3:44 of my life wasted. 3:44 that I could have been reading emtlife instead.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
If I'm not mistaken didn't Utah just start doing it?

I don't have an issue with the government drug testing people that are asking them for money that I busy my *** to contribute to.


Forum Troll
That's a good idea. I wasn't quite so smart. Let's just say that it's 3:44 of my life wasted. 3:44 that I could have been reading emtlife instead.

3:44 of pure amazingness and hilarity.


Yeah politics and religion shouldn't be discussed in the work place. Because anyone else's opinion but mine is simply wrong and I hate seeing people get butthurt about it

Politics and religion shouldn't be discussed in the work place because there are too many idiots who can't understand that they aren't the brightest wick in the candle factory.


Forum Deputy Chief
Politics and religion shouldn't be discussed in the work place because there are too many idiots who can't understand that they aren't the brightest wick in the candle factory.

Haha, hopefully you sensed the sarcasm in my post


Forum Asst. Chief
Well... Got a choice to make.
Currently jobless and was told by several of the people I've called after applying to them, that my availability is just too limited for them.

Today I got a call from a major city asking me to interview for a cadet spot (unpaid volunteer. If you stay with them and they like you, they pay for you to go through the academy and hire you after). They have 30 cadets aged 16-21 at any time and last year six out of the seven 21 year olds that were aging out of the program got hired on. 4 to their department, 2 to other local depts.

I think it will be a major hindrance to getting a job, because it takes my availability down from 5 (I failed to see how that makes me severely limited like some have said, but that's the reason I was given) to 3-4 days a week. Just can't decide if it's feasible for me to do this and still get enough hours every week, wherever I get hired.


Forum Asst. Chief
Well... Got a choice to make.
Currently jobless and was told by several of the people I've called after applying to them, that my availability is just too limited for them.

Today I got a call from a major city asking me to interview for a cadet spot (unpaid volunteer. If you stay with them and they like you, they pay for you to go through the academy and hire you after). They have 30 cadets aged 16-21 at any time and last year six out of the seven 21 year olds that were aging out of the program got hired on. 4 to their department, 2 to other local depts.

I think it will be a major hindrance to getting a job, because it takes my availability down from 5 (I failed to see how that makes me severely limited like some have said, but that's the reason I was given) to 3-4 days a week. Just can't decide if it's feasible for me to do this and still get enough hours every week, wherever I get hired.

You trying to get into the police academy or something??

You need to make your decision based on the now I'm not saying to be a Richard, but if you need money that should be your priority, Then furthering your education.


Forum Asst. Chief
You trying to get into the police academy or something??

You need to make your decision based on the now I'm not saying to be a Richard, but if you need money that should be your priority, Then furthering your education.
No, my apologies, haha. It's a fire cadet program. That's what they call the youth program.

And, yeah, as much as I dislike it, money is more important, just sucks, because I ride with that dept all the time and put that app in 8 months ago or so and next year I'll be aged out for new applicants.


Forum Asst. Chief
By the way, the fox goes yiff.

Consider the red fox, a.k.a. vulpes vulpes. This Ontario red fox, recorded by William W. H. Gunn in 1966, is clearly employing a low-key version of Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow:

The vocalizations by this pair of arctic foxes, recorded by in 2008 by Gerrit Vyn, sounds more than a little reminiscent of Wa-po-po-po-po-po-pow.

Finally, James R. Howell III’s common gray fox is our favorite here at WIRED, because how could this majestic Californian’s screams not be interpreted as a climactic A-oo-oo-oo-ooo!?
I don't see a yiff :p


Forum Asst. Chief
No, my apologies, haha. It's a fire cadet program. That's what they call the youth program.

And, yeah, as much as I dislike it, money is more important, just sucks, because I ride with that dept all the time and put that app in 8 months ago or so and next year I'll be aged out for new applicants.

For a cadet? or for the fire dept? most depts. have aqe cutoffs of like 30, FDNY is 30 I Know and the only reason I get a waiver is military.


Forum Asst. Chief
For a cadet? or for the fire dept? most depts. have aqe cutoffs of like 30, FDNY is 30 I Know and the only reason I get a waiver is military.
Haha, sorry if I really was that confusing, I'm tired.
It's for a youth volunteer program, so the cadets. FD has a cut off of like 35, I think, but this supposedly a really great way to get in, since the cadets get a huge advantage at hiring time.
They take ages 16-21, it may actually be 18-21. Minimum 1 year, so they have 21 year olds, but they have to be in by age 20. They only pick more cadets once a year, this time next year, I'll have aged out.


Forum Deputy Chief
That's a good idea. I wasn't quite so smart. Let's just say that it's 3:44 of my life wasted. 3:44 that I could have been reading emtlife instead.

I thought basshunter made a comeback



Forum Angel
Happy birthday Robby!