the 100% directionless thread

I was just a kid, still only in 8th grade. I was recovering from a broken tibia/fibula and had a full length cast on my right leg, so I was asleep downstairs on the couch. My mom came downstairs, about 7:30ish west coast time, part of our normal morning routine, until she told me that New York was under attack. My first thought as a half awake kid was a fleet of Soviet Bear bombers carpet bombing the city. Then we turned on the tv and reality struck home watching the towers come down. School that day was definitely a surreal experience as conflicting and fragmentary pieces of information came in. Some classes we watched the news all hour, some continued to teach as normal, others tried teaching with the news on the background. I remember rumors that there was a fifth hijacked aircraft over the Midwest, maybe even over LA. Even as an eighth grader, by the end of the day I knew we were at war and things would never be the same again. By chance it also happened to be the day I finished the book Black Hawk Down. That day, 12 years ago continues to reverberate as it was a driving factor behind my decision to enlist after high school, and that continues to shape my (admittedly young) adult life today
I was just a kid, still only in 8th grade. I was recovering from a broken tibia/fibula and had a full length cast on my right leg, so I was asleep downstairs on the couch. My mom came downstairs, about 7:30ish west coast time, part of our normal morning routine, until she told me that New York was under attack. My first thought as a half awake kid was a fleet of Soviet Bear bombers carpet bombing the city. Then we turned on the tv and reality struck home watching the towers come down. School that day was definitely a surreal experience as conflicting and fragmentary pieces of information came in. Some classes we watched the news all hour, some continued to teach as normal, others tried teaching with the news on the background. I remember rumors that there was a fifth hijacked aircraft over the Midwest, maybe even over LA. Even as an eighth grader, by the end of the day I knew we were at war and things would never be the same again. By chance it also happened to be the day I finished the book Black Hawk Down. That day, 12 years ago continues to reverberate as it was a driving factor behind my decision to enlist after high school, and that continues to shape my (admittedly young) adult life today

I was in the 4th grade when it happened. Every teacher was ordered pretty much not to teach. All we did was watch the news on the TV until school was over.
I was in the 4th grade when it happened. Every teacher was ordered pretty much not to teach. All we did was watch the news on the TV until school was over.

Same here. Matter of fact, everyone was sent home early for "safety" reasons.
Honest, I don't even remember my school saying anything about it. I remember seeing it on TV before school, but not knowing what the big deal was (I was 6), and from what I remember we went about the day normally at school.
I was 11 years old and in the process of moving to Germany. We had just arrived a couple days before (probably September 8 or so), and the movers were bringing in all our stuff that day. I had just come home from school when the attacks began. The moving process basically stopped after we heard the news. The German speaking movers brought in our TV and helped us set it up, and we all sat around and watched the news for the rest of the afternoon. Since I went to school on a military base with my Dad in the Air Force, MPs escorted all the American kids coming onto the base from the time they left their homes off base until they got to the buses and rode it to school. We had armed guards at school for months after. Absolutely surreal experience. Since almost everyone's parents were in the military, everyone knew early on that their parents would soon be deployed.
I was in 7th grade. Just came back from computer lab. It was on the Tv and everyone was quiet. Then I saw the second tower hit. I really didn't even know what the twin towers were.

We watched the news for the rest of school. The principal ordered all TVs to be turned off so we took turns standing guard in the hallway to make sure no one was coming. And our teacher sat and explained what this meant to all of us.

I got picked up early that day and we went to church and prayed for a really long time.
I was in 7th grade. Just came back from computer lab. It was on the Tv and everyone was quiet. Then I saw the second tower hit. I really didn't even know what the twin towers were.

We watched the news for the rest of school. The principal ordered all TVs to be turned off so we took turns standing guard in the hallway to make sure no one was coming. And our teacher sat and explained what this meant to all of us.

I got picked up early that day and we went to church and prayed for a really long time.

I was in 1st grade. I had just woken up and walked out to my living room to see my mom watching the T.V with tears in her eyes. I don't remember if I had seen the second plane hit but I do vividly remember the towers falling.

When I went to school all I can remember is my teacher talking about the twin towers. Prior to 9/11 I didn't even know what the twin towers was or what terrorism was. I do believe school got out early, I went home and my mom, dad, sister, and I prayed on the couch then watched George Bush's news conference thing. Seems not to long after my cousin in the Marine Corps was deployed to Kuwait or Afghanistan.
Finally decided to work a 24 hour car. It feels weird to have a station that you are always at and not SSM.
It rubs the lower pay rate on its skin... :rofl:

In this case yes but what we often end up doing is put employees on 2 12 hour shifts. puts the lower rate in the basket to avoid the hose :rofl:
Interesting stories.

I remember going downstairs after waking up, and both of my parents were glued to the TV, totally shocked. They decided to take us (me and my two brothers) to school late. When we got to school, my teacher explained what was going on, but I still didn't really understand any of it. I didn't know about terrorism or the world trade centers. I was only in 6th grade. I don't recall anything being different about the rest of the day, my teacher still taught class after talking about 9/11, and I don't think we were let out early. I remember watching the George Bush speech thing, and thinking "there's the president on TV", lol.
Interesting stories.

I remember going downstairs after waking up, and both of my parents were glued to the TV, totally shocked. They decided to take us (me and my two brothers) to school late. When we got to school, my teacher explained what was going on, but I still didn't really understand any of it. I didn't know about terrorism or the world trade centers. I was only in 6th grade. I don't recall anything being different about the rest of the day, my teacher still taught class after talking about 9/11, and I don't think we were let out early. I remember watching the George Bush speech thing, and thinking "there's the president on TV", lol.
It's funny how we remember the simple things like that. I have no idea why, but I remember my thoughts when I saw it on TV and I was just thinking the office papers looked like confetti in the air.
Shift bid today. Got great days and, despite how much I dislike them, great hours.

Monday-Thursday 0800-2000. Would've preferred a swing shift but beggers can't be choosers. At least I've got three days to ride the sled with all my buddies since our schedules match now. Yeeeee! Now all we need is some damn snow!!!

I'm ready for it, enough of this summer crap.

Some snow porn for y'all to drool over ;)

First two are me on my friend's sled. Second one is my sled that I buried in a couple feet of powder, going down a hill :D



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You guys all make me feel old. I was working at Redstone as a civilian contractor doing land missile defense systems. I was ushered into a gymnasium with the other civilians on post and put under armed guard for about 12 hours.
Dropped my sunglasses today. Now I have to work with a nice scratch in my sunglasses :glare: