the 100% directionless thread


Forum Troll
My EMT class was almost all female.. 4 guys, 16 girls. I figured that was the norm.
Even when we combined our hs class with the adult classes it was nearly all female, considerably more males in the adult, but still skewed to the females.

Nope. The last 3 EMT classes here had a total of 52 student. There were 5-7 females in it.

At my full time EMS job we have roughly 110 EMTs/Medics. We have maybe 15 female employees.

At least in my area it is a male dominated job. (Our city fire department only has 1 female field employee).


Forum Deputy Chief
First night back of the new year and we're getting killed. 2 serious CCT calls and a 911 stroke alert/head bleed that likely won't survive the night. Oh and another 911 with a TIA.

Ill take my break now lol.


Forum Moron
I can honestly say cancer sucks.
And so far 2013 does too!


Forum Angel


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
I can honestly say cancer sucks.
And so far 2013 does too!

Sorry to hear about your loss. I'll keep you and your friends family in my thoughts.


Flight Nurse
If you want to meet girls go to nursing school. My pre-nursing class at the university had 12 guys and 118 girls :blink: I would prefer MDharmony, I need to find me a cute resident


Forum Crew Member
If you want to meet girls go to nursing school. My pre-nursing class at the university had 12 guys and 118 girls :blink: I would prefer MDharmony, I need to find me a cute resident

Why must she be a resident? I've met plenty of emt's who are much brighter than some of the residents out there.. :) $$ doesn't influence intelligence. :wub:


Flight Nurse
I've met plenty of emt's who are much brighter than some of the residents out there.. :)


I need a sugar momma to put me through CRNA school
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Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I love my partner to death, we work really well together, to the point that the FD just messes with our flow when they are around. With that said, don't question me in front of Fire, SO and family when I tell you to put the 50kg 17 year old that took 1000 mg of amitriptyline on the monitor, please. Also, definitely don't get mad when I tell you "just do it, I'll explain later". If I remember correctly 20 mg/kg is definitely getting up near the LD50...

In his defense she was without any complaint, A&Ox4 and vitals were WNL except for her HR at the time of our initial contact.

I have my reasons, don't need to vocalize or justify them to you. I'm especially not going to tell you that it's because she could very well go into respiratory and/or cardiac arrest on us, amongst other gremlins that could happen, in front of her mother, that's for damn sure. I think he figured it out when we went back to check on her and she's intubated, with pressors hanging with two ICU nurses and a RRT getting ready to take her upstairs.

Where are these cute EMTs? I want o...Oh wait... :D


Flight Nurse
50kg 17 year old that took 1000 mg of amitriptyline on the monitor, please. Also, definitely don't get mad when I tell you "just do it, I'll explain later". If I remember correctly 20 mg/kg is definitely getting up near the LD50...

TCA Overdoses are no joke they cause all kinds of badness. Did you get a 12 lead?

I think the LD50 is higher than 20 mg/kg but not sure

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
TCA Overdoses are no joke they cause all kinds of badness. Did you get a 12 lead?

I think the LD50 is higher than 20 mg/kg but not sure

I didn't do one...she wasn't having anything to do with me from the get go and it was all I could do to get her come with me cooperatively, let me start a line and put her on the 4-lead. Had she deteriorated it wouldn't have been a discussion anymore, partially because it needs to be done and partially because her LOC would be deteriorating rapidly. I figured I was moving in the right direction and was actually building a bit of a rapport with the angry little girl so I didn't want to ruin the progress I'd already made. This is definitely a situation where a coed crew would have been nice rather than my 23 year old self and my 21 year old partner and a 3 man engine crew, all male.

I wasn't sure either so I looked it up. 35 mg/kg is the number I've found listed in a couple places with 10-20 mg/kg being considered "moderate to severe" poisoning with ALOC/Coma and cardiovascular symptoms present.

This is the third one I've seen. She made it to the hospital completely asymptomatic then ended up getting RSI'd a short time later. The other two were fine, fine, fine then BOOM off the edge of the cliff so I'm pretty wary of them. I'm not a huge fan of giving bicarb prehospitally for them either unless i absolutely have to. I'd rather let the ER get a solid set of labs before we start jerking their pH around but maybe that's the wrong way to think?

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Also, to the VST who yelled at me how it isn't your job to put a pair of bags of NS in the warmer when you restock the rig when I politely asked why there wasn't any in there...yes, it is your job. vehicle SUPPLY technician. That would be considered supplies. Plus if they don't get put in the warmer until the crew shows up for their shift, they aren't going to be warm any time soon...

You get paid nearly as much as I do and do half as much work with even less responsibility than that. Don't :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about putting two liter bags of NS in the zippered warmer, it takes all of 15 seconds.

Can you tell I was making friends today? :D


Forum Deputy Chief
Officially appointed as an FDNY probationary firefighter.

Nothing can possibly ruin my day.