the 100% directionless thread

I know three temperatures in Celsius...

After that, I have to use a conversion app on my phone.
I know three temperatures in Celsius...

After that, I have to use a conversion app on my phone.

What about 37.1??
I'm impressed you know absolute zero. That was taught to me in 8th grade and I know plenty of people that wouldn't even be able to tell me what the word means let alone the numerals.
Damn you boys, confusing me with your foreign Fahrenheit temperatures (thanks Google Chrome for helping me spell Fahrenheit correctly!)

It's like you're inside my head.

On a similar note, I have absolutely no comprehension of how far a mile actually is.
It's like you're inside my head.

On a similar note, I have absolutely no comprehension of how far a mile actually is.

A mile is is a block out here in the country.
What about 37.1??
I'm impressed you know absolute zero. That was taught to me in 8th grade and I know plenty of people that wouldn't even be able to tell me what the word means let alone the numerals.

That's easy! It's 0 Kelvin! Lol
What about 37.1??
I'm impressed you know absolute zero. That was taught to me in 8th grade and I know plenty of people that wouldn't even be able to tell me what the word means let alone the numerals. ��

I have a decent background in physics from my time in the Navy.
I'm really really glad the names are in THAT particular order...

Nah...I think it went rather well.

Even though I've been doing ems for about 2 years now, just ran my first code. Surreal experience.