the 100% directionless thread

Nice article, but I don't feel like it answered my question. If epinephrine normally causes vasodilation, why does it cause vasospasms at therapeutic doses in these patients? Why are they more at risk if they have CAD compared to somebody young and without CAD? In your article, it mentioned three patients who were relatively young and without CAD, and made it seem like epi induced MI is rare. I also liked how they tried to argue that epi IV probably caused less myocardial damage. Some interesting stuff.

Adrenaline causes profound vasoconstriction. The aetiology of acute myocardial ischaemia/acute myocardial infarction from adrenaline administration is the increased myocardial oxygen requirements due to the beta agonist effects; basically think of it as exertional angina in an ampoule; in a patient with pre-existing coronary artery disease the potential for this is going to be greater.

Having said that, the balance of risk is always in favour of giving adrenaline vs. not;; but if the person already has coronary artery disease then a reduced dose might be a good idea.

I never did figure what I wrote on my hand, its almost completely faded, but like I said, points to anybody who can figure it out, I don't usually write on my hand so it was probably important!
Nice article, but I don't feel like it answered my question. If epinephrine normally causes vasodilation, why does it cause vasospasms at therapeutic doses in these patients? Why are they more at risk if they have CAD compared to somebody young and without CAD? In your article, it mentioned three patients who were relatively young and without CAD, and made it seem like epi induced MI is rare. I also liked how they tried to argue that epi IV probably caused less myocardial damage. Some interesting stuff.

Um... Sorry a little confused. Epi causes vaso constriction, not vaso dilation.

And vaso dialation is caused by muscles relaxation, which to an extreme does cause vaso spam.
I am seriously considering calling in sick; I still feel awful.
I am seriously considering calling in sick; I still feel awful.

I'm at work and sick right now. Finally caved and called my supervisor to try and find some coverage for me :(
Came into work this morning at 0600 with a cold. Now 1500 and my cold symptoms are gone and we haven't had any calls. I think the naps I have been able to take have helped me greatly.
I feel awful every time I set foot at work... Hate this place.

One more month...
I feel awful every time I set foot at work... Hate this place.

One more month...

Maybe you need a vacation.
Down to the Caribbean, do some SCUBA, smoke a Cuban or two, have a few beers, get some snorkeling/ free diving in. Invite you friend Achilles.
Have an awesome time!
Maybe you need a vacation.
Down to the Caribbean, do some SCUBA, smoke a Cuban or two, have a few beers, get some snorkeling/ free diving in. Invite you friend Achilles.
Have an awesome time!

You payin?

I got a 2 week vacation pre fire academy in January. Assuming my
Captain approves it...
You payin?

I got a 2 week vacation pre fire academy in January. Assuming my
Captain approves it...


I wish I was, but in going down in the spring / summer depending on how my medic school schedule affects it.
I am starting to get very frustrated trying to type this on my phone. Epinephrine causes the coronary arteries to dilate. That's what I meant when I said vasodilation. I am specifically talking about the coronary arteries.
Can't seem to find my mod button to lock this thread since people have failed to heed repeated warnings to get back off topic by multiple people.
Can't seem to find my mod button to lock this thread since people have failed to heed repeated warnings to get back off topic by multiple people.

It's the little red triangle...
Just put up the Christmas tree... And, since I haven't mentioned it, I'm getting married on Wednesday. :)
There it is darn how did I miss it. Good thing you showed up my friend.

I've been laying low for a while to give our new CL's room to do their thang.:ph34r:
Just put up the Christmas tree... And, since I haven't mentioned it, I'm getting married on Wednesday. :)

Woo hoo! So happy for you!