the 100% directionless thread

i am going to go out on a limb and guess ........ student??

Given the total context of the post, probably. However generally I've heard "white shirt" to refer to management or officers.
Yes, my attending is back from vacation on Monday. No more super slow coverage doc that was brand new to the hospital and doesn't realize that she's in a rehab hospital and not an acute care hospital.
Given the total context of the post, probably. However generally I've heard "white shirt" to refer to management or officers.

We all have white shirts(medics, management, students, etc)where I work :(

rumor has it they might consider changing to something else (fingers crossed)
Everybody here wears a white shirt, except specialist teams who wear green overalls.

And I had a Consultant Physician tell me today "a good doctor diagnoses before he examines the patient" hmmmm :unsure:
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What is a white shirt?

A student.

Responders wear blue students wear white so everyone on scene knows they are a student and watches out for them.
And yes I have a new stethoscope but Santa did not bring it; Littman Master Classic II with free engraving, only cost me about $100

Best scope ever
Not for someone who doesn't wanna drop almost $200 on a scope >.>

Why not? Teenagers do it everyday for the new iphone/ or iPod.
Plus a seven year warranty.
Note to self - on a hot summer day do not write on your hand and leave it for several hours, your hand will get sweaty and you won't be able to read what you wrote!

Note to self - on a hot summer day do not write on your hand and leave it for several hours, your hand will get sweaty and you won't be able to read what you wrote!


Ah...souther hemispere and all. Its cold here now...burr
I think the coolest thing is water flushes the other way :)

Wouldn't know about that, but did you know that apparently we think its a good idea to write things on our hands and such, and you know hamburgers eat people!

I don't usually write on my hand unless its important, so that probably was, so some sort of prize to whoever deciphers it!
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Why not? Teenagers do it everyday for the new iphone/ or iPod.
Plus a seven year warranty.

Lol they also get pregnant, overdose and shot each other. Don't think they're the best example to follow.
Wouldn't know about that, but did you know that apparently we think its a good idea to write things on our hands and such, and you know hamburgers eat people!

I don't usually write on my hand unless its important, so that probably was, so some sort of prize to whoever deciphers it!

Looks like a drawing of a frog at the end?
Looks like a drawing of a frog at the end?

Nah I don't draw frogs; I wouldn't have noticed I don't think if it wasn't my left hand; as you can see it's the one I wear my watch on, so I only noticed because I put it back on after getting out the bath (it's waterproof but it's easier not to wear it because water gets trapped in between the plastic and your skin and it gets all icky; is that just me, I notice I seem to be the only one who does that?) and yeah ... should have just written it on my right hand and I wouldn't have noticed and forgotten all about it.
Nice article, but I don't feel like it answered my question. If epinephrine normally causes vasodilation, why does it cause vasospasms at therapeutic doses in these patients? Why are they more at risk if they have CAD compared to somebody young and without CAD? In your article, it mentioned three patients who were relatively young and without CAD, and made it seem like epi induced MI is rare. I also liked how they tried to argue that epi IV probably caused less myocardial damage. Some interesting stuff.
Lol they also get pregnant, overdose and shot each other. Don't think they're the best example to follow.
Not exactly something exclusive to teenagers either, lol, it's just frowned upon at their age. When they are older, it's OK.