the 100% directionless thread

Hey - anyone want to watch the first episode live and chat?

If I wasn't working I'd gladly join in on the fun.
An anxiety attack is nothing to panic about. just sayin'
Just put in my application for Crafton hills to get enrolled. Going to try and get in the '14 medic program.
Not cool when you roll past the ER nurses station and they look at the patient and say back again.

And registration knows their info without asking.
Nothin' like a late night road trip to the senior behavioral hospital in the next county over to kill the end of your shift. Then I realized I'm on my new shift line that stars and ends an hour later....what to do for the next hour?
Took one of our frequent flyers to the ER. And when I say frequent. I mean last month we transported her 27 times.

Well this ER was sick of her and discharged her as soon as she sat on the bed. We hadn't even cleared yet, and she left walled across the street, and called 911 because it was a different city, and the fire department would have to come.

Except we do Pre arrivals for that city so we knew what was going on the second she called.

This is getting to be quite ridiculous.
Bring her multi disciplinary committee. Then forward all info time Medicare and Medicaid/medical or whatever her handout medical insurance is for them road revoke it for fraud and abuse. Then have someone turn her in for 911 abuse and get law enforcement and a judge deal with her. Has happened in my neck of the woods and the results were, yeah no more 911 calls
Ugh I had a patient with possible sepsis and inferior ischemia that i just dropped off in resus room... his story to the resus team was completely different than what i was told on scene and en route. Ugh!
Got my letter officially notifying me of being laid off in the mail. I had to laugh just a little bit though because our chief promised he would hand deliver them to each of us, and it had typos in it. Of course, we haven't heard anything at all from our chief in at least a couple months. Our #2 in command has taken it upon himself to go around and speak on his behalf, so he doesn't come by the stations or send out any sort of emails any more.

To top it all off, they are going to have to shut down an engine and a squad to be able to staff the ambulances. With us there, they were always staffed ALS, now that will no longer be the case - BUT SERVICE ISN'T GOING TO CHANGE. What a load of crap.
The republican party just called. 8:30 on a school night, and I'm feeling like total crap and the kids are having one of those nights that needs lots of yelling to make them go to sleep.

I answered the phone and the guy misprounounced my name. I told him, "It is after 8:30 at night and a stranger is calling my phone. My 5 children are all just put to bed and this is the time when I get to pick what's on TV. This is the 4th political call I've gotten today and I really don't care who or what you want me to vote for."

He said, "I'm sorry ma'am. I wish I could give you some chocolate."

Did Mitt Romney give him that line?
Dang it feels good to call a heart/stemi alert and have the ER not question it.