the 100% directionless thread

And now back to something completely random :)

I like bananas.
Rectal insertion of banana I would think it might take longer for your body to break down banana to carbos and salts since majority of the enzymes are stored in saliva, stomach, in duodenum / jejunum... I'm not sure what type of enzymes might reside in the rectum or colon, the main function of the colon is water and electrolytes adsorption
Don't normally answer my phone on Saturday mornings. Glad I did today, though - it was Rural Metro calling to schedule an interview. Guess my resume wasn't so bad after all. :D
I think some patients are there to help you put things into perspective, whether it be in your personal or professional life. I recently had one of those patients.

She has to be one of the nicest people I have ever met, however, she has had a much harder life than most. While she was a teen, she had a brain tumor that took her vision. Then, due to underlying medical issues, she developed sudden, acute renal failure that she never recovered from. She went on dialysis, and eventually got a kidney transplant. Eleven years later, her body rejected the transplant. She has been back on dialysis for the last year, and is back on the transplant list. She was told to expect a 3-5 year wait. Several family members and friends have offered to be tested, and donate a kidney, if they are compatible. This woman doesn't want to go that route, for fear something could eventually happen to that friend or family member, damaging the remaining kidney and forcing them onto dialysis. She says that is something she wouldn't wish upon anyone. Despite everything she has been through, you could just tell that she has a very peaceful, gentle, and kind soul.

It really makes the rough year that my family has been having not seem quite so bad.
Guns are a personal thing. Go to the range, rent/borrow a few. Put some rounds down range with each. Find the one that feels best when you shoot it. For me it was my S&W 4013. Felt like an extension of my hand.

And I agree. Shotty all the way for home defense. I have a Remington 870, and if I ever hear anyone in the house, I'm racking it and yelling, "I'm armed and I'm coming for you!" :)

I went to the range today and fell in love with the PPQ. Hands down the best out of the box trigger on any striker fired gun I have shot. And the ergos are just perfect and feels great in my hand.

I will eventually get a shotty but I want a handgun so I have the option to keep it concealed in my car.

As for day I will own a FN FNP 45 tactical.
Ok all you gun guys.....

Springfield XdM 9mm or Walther PPQ 9mm

I can't decide. Not really planning on carying. Mostly for home defense, going to the range, and maybe keeping in the Jeep.

Nothing 9mm, that is for sure.

I swear by Sig, but they are a bit on the spendy side.
And now back to something completely random :)

I like bananas.

And now back on topic.... Guns = Fun. If just shooting cans a 22 is fine, if defense is your goal get a nine. :rofl:
I think some patients are there to help you put things into perspective, whether it be in your personal or professional life. I recently had one of those patients.

She has to be one of the nicest people I have ever met, however, she has had a much harder life than most. While she was a teen, she had a brain tumor that took her vision. Then, due to underlying medical issues, she developed sudden, acute renal failure that she never recovered from. She went on dialysis, and eventually got a kidney transplant. Eleven years later, her body rejected the transplant. She has been back on dialysis for the last year, and is back on the transplant list. She was told to expect a 3-5 year wait. Several family members and friends have offered to be tested, and donate a kidney, if they are compatible. This woman doesn't want to go that route, for fear something could eventually happen to that friend or family member, damaging the remaining kidney and forcing them onto dialysis. She says that is something she wouldn't wish upon anyone. Despite everything she has been through, you could just tell that she has a very peaceful, gentle, and kind soul.

It really makes the rough year that my family has been having not seem quite so bad.

One of the greatest gifts my time on the ambo has given me is the realization that no matter how bad my life might get, it's still better than the life the guy living under the bridge has. Kind of puts things into perspective.
Nothing 9mm, that is for sure.

Ammo is cheaper (so you're likely to put more rounds down at the range, increasing your familiarity with the gun) , can be as lethal as a similar .40 round, recoil is far more manageable (increasing ease of placing multiple rounds on target) and you can carry far more rounds per magazine.

So... Why not?
Hate stat pack bags. Hate them. Hate. Hate. Hate.

Have I mentioned I'm not very fond of our stat packs?

What don't you like about them? My boss boss swears by them and I was thinking of ordering two of them for "emergency kits" for both of my sports medicine facilities.
I should rephrase. I hate OUR stat packs. We carry all our our ALS gear in 2 backpacks and they weigh a ton, they are crammed full of gear, stuff falls out when we're on scene... It's just a mess.

But nobody's come up with a better solution for lugging our stuff and our ergonomic study says we have carry backpacks.
It seems weird to me, to read my friends Facebook status about how their life is "crumbling around" them, because they had a bad day at work. Yet, they still have someone that they love, to go home to at the end of the day...
I agree with you! I see so many people saying the whole "woe is me" thing on facebook and I just want to sit down with them sometime and have a nice long talk with them! They should see some of the things that we see on a daily basis! We see so many things that make me just wanna look at those people and shake a little reality into them!