the 100% directionless thread

Can I get a large Farva?


Forum Angel
You think this is funny?

We have a goal to keep the forums PG, OK? Make sure the language is family-friendly.

Actually FFEMT said PG13.

Because you can type *** and it not censor. And you have to be 13 to join I think.

Love you. ;)


The New Beach Medic
Thanks Sasha. I think you are right.

My current partner has told me before I am difficult to communicate with, and my previous partner and I have gotten into a couple of headbutting before. I so far haven't had a problem with other RNs or other EMTs, but I don't work with them as regularly either (I work with my partner 4 days on, 3 days off, 3 days on, 4 days off, I work with this RN 7 days off, 3 days on). When he's not on, we are usually BLS or we might get lucky for 1-2 days and have a RN who picked up the shift. I've worked with 2 other nurses when I picked up shifts which I was picking up shifts everyday so it's like I work with my partner 50% of the time and this RN 25% of the time. Anyhow, they are the people I work with the most.

I haven't been up front about disliking the name. I wasn't up front about it at my previous company, I had another nickname I didn't like either, but I told one EMT that I didn't work with regularly, he told somebody else, and then I guess word got to the manager, and the manager told everyone to stop calling me that name, and the people who were calling me that were upset thinking I just went directly to him, and they were talking about "chain of command" and that the reason they gave me a nickname is because they liked me, they didn't mean to hurt my feeling.

It's true I've been nitpicking with this RN. In someways, I agree, its not a big deal, and that's why I just copy his vital signs and times instead. I still think that if it's not that big of a deal and you can do it, why lie? Why not leave it blank and just put down the numbers you got when you got them? Is it that important to just have a number regardless of what it was? I tried giving him the respiratory rates before, and he said he didn't want them, and then the times he lies about because it doesn't look good. He has had this conversation with me a couple of times before I stopped writing the vitals and tried sharing it with him. Maybe since he has talked to me about this a couple of times, he thinks I didn't get it. I still do agree it's not a big deal either way, but to him it's important those times are earlier, and for whatever reason he doesn't want the respiratory rates. I think I mentioned these things that I do personally believe aren't a big deal just because I was mad.

There are things I like about him. He used to be in charge of hiring EMTs like me, he had a lot of great advice for my resume and recently gave me advice on interviewing and stuff I should.

I have not been straight up and told him "I don't like that name", my partner and I haven't told him that we don't like his jokes about her/they are getting old.

I felt that he has communicated what he doesn't like and I've done my best to resolve those: he communicated about the vital signs thing several times, I finally stopped writing vital signs, and he said he doesn't like my driving, I take turns too hard, I've tried stopping earlier and going down ramps and turns to the point that it is painfully slow for me, that I misunderstand him a lot, and that I don't like to change topics. With what happened today, I think the misunderstand thing is probably getting on his nerve which is probably why he said we'll keep our conversation limited, strictly business and professional.

I really do like working on CCT a lot. The calls are more interesting, I love EKGs (even though I am not the one who is interpreting it, I like setting it up and I do like looking at it, when I work with other RNs, they ask me to do a 12-lead or I'll ask if I can do one and that's awesome to me). He has taught me some things I didn't know before like about vents, medications, and equipment, and I think that has made our calls a lot smoother. The backboard call was the only time things did not go smoothly. Other things that haven't gone smoothly is me giving my partner directions from from the back because she is lost driving, and one time I didn't take the best route in San Francisco and he got mad at me for that, but the calls themselves, on scene, in the back with the patient, and most calls directions wise have been very smooth.
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Forum Lieutenant
In Vegas and my night consists of a bottle of Rombauer Merlot and my Intermediate book. Not a fun trip. Got to study for my pre employment test and hopefully interview.


Forum Chief
Yep, PG-13 and you have to be 13 to join the forum.

Well... PG-13 means even the F word is allowed atleast once in the movie...


Wait, *** is allowed? So I can go *** *** *** *** *** *** and not worry about an infraction? Why was I not told of this sooner?! *Runs off to cause havoc*
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Well... PG-13 means even the F word is allowed atleast once in the movie...


Wait, *** is allowed? So I can go *** *** *** *** *** *** and not worry about an infraction? Why was I not told of this sooner?! *Runs off to cause havoc*

Well *** is in the Bible.

[insert reference to 7 words you can't say on TV]


Forum Chief
I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next person I hear say shenannagins!

I'm pretty sure threatening bodily harm is against the rules and you have to give yourself an infraction now.

Tsk tsk.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
I'm not quite sure how the mini horse kicked her. Maybe it climbed up on a stool?

She wasn't really hurt, just a cut lip. My partner was doing the full court press to get her to go to the hospital. She looked at me and asked, "well, what do you think?" I replied, "you're my partner's mom. If you go to the hospital with me after being kicked by a horse, you can have all the fentanyl in the box!" she laughed, told us to go back to work and gave us strawberry pie to take with us.

So, the end result, she was fine. No transport. Delicious pie.

Win all the way around.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I think I could get used to nights.

Just ran the funniest call of my life, and it involved bath salts "white power!!!!!!!!!" and another word I won't say.

He wasn't the nicest of human beings and caught an Assault on a HCP charge on top I his other charges.

But hot damn if we didn't have fun while we ran the call with PD.