the 100% directionless thread

Backwards 24 and today will be on the busiest power truck we have. And a certain hospital has no admit beds left so every admit patient has to be moved.

I'm screwed.
Just moving an ambulance at my college that hasn't been moved in 5+ years


Wow 5 years? That is some seriously low call volume. Must be a fire based service :)
Wow 5 years? That is some seriously low call volume. Must be a fire based service :)

Haha. An ambulance service donated an ambulance and 4 gurneys to the college. All we use the ambulance for is the lifting/moving patients and gurney operation lectures and skills. No need to move it if we only use the back of it :P
Haha. An ambulance service donated an ambulance and 4 gurneys to the college. All we use the ambulance for is the lifting/moving patients and gurney operation lectures and skills. No need to move it if we only use the back of it :P

You mean they don't have you sit in the front and practice yelling at the radio because the dispatcher is an idiot or proper feet on dash technique for parking lot posting? School these days :glare:
You mean they don't have you sit in the front and practice yelling at the radio because the dispatcher is an idiot or proper feet on dash technique for parking lot posting? School these days :glare:

That just comes natural. Alll thooouugghh I have perfected the perfect sleeping position for the front seat of the vans.
That just comes natural. Alll thooouugghh I have perfected the perfect sleeping position for the front seat of the vans.

Some are trained, others called, and then there's Anjel, born to this work :)
The feet on the dash technique took me some time and flexibility training to perfect. However, it was indeed time well spent :p
You mean they don't have you sit in the front and practice yelling at the radio because the dispatcher is an idiot or proper feet on dash technique for parking lot posting? School these days :glare:

Feet on the dash at any time = someone calling and complaining that it looks unprofessional = verbal/written warning.

That's why we try to post in the middle of nowhere so no public can see us. Or we totally black out all the windows on the ambulance so they can't see anything.
"Poor perfusion is the number one sign of shock"

Yeah, bro... 'cause that's the definition of shock
The feet on the dash technique took me some time and flexibility training to perfect. However, it was indeed time well spent :p

Perhaps I need to work on my flexibility, I always blame it on being tall. But when you can post at an abandoned naval airstation during the summer, suddenly the feet on mirror option comes into play.
I wish we could wear T-Shirts as our Summer "uniform" This collar business in shirts that don't breathe sucks.
I can't stretch out like that. I sit curled up.
I wish we could wear T-Shirts as our Summer "uniform" This collar business in shirts that don't breathe sucks.

That's unfortunate. We have T-shirt uniforms specifically for the summer.

I prefer to open the door and rest my feet in the V between the door and the cab. Not as steep of an angle and more airflow through the cab ;)
That's unfortunate. We have T-shirt uniforms specifically for the summer.

I prefer to open the door and rest my feet in the V between the door and the cab. Not as steep of an angle and more airflow through the cab ;)

During the summer we can't do that. For us it's find shade, set unit on high idle, pop the hood, sun shades in all windows, and A/C on high in cab and back of the unit.
During the summer we can't do that. For us it's find shade, set unit on high idle, pop the hood, sun shades in all windows, and A/C on high in cab and back of the unit.

Try making an adventure out of it? I would have tons of fun jumping around everywhere getting ready for this. Then that moment of closing doors and laying back with pumping AC. Makes me go "ahhhhhhhhh".
Try making an adventure out of it? I would have tons of fun jumping around everywhere getting ready for this. Then that moment of closing doors and laying back with pumping AC. Makes me go "ahhhhhhhhh".

It is nice. But the way it's been working out is as soon as we are all set up we get a call.