the 100% directionless thread

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County? Fire or LE/SAR running it?
I think County Fire. LACo had their helicopter on scene. US Forrest Service had a helicopter staged on a parking area close to Mt. Baldy. There was 2 different SAR vehicles that passed me, as well as about a half a dozen LACo fire vehicles (rough estimate: 2 pumpers, 2 ladders, a paramedic squad, and the LACo USAR truck), a Schaffer ambulance and supervisor vehicle, and a couple US Forrest Service fire vehicles (at least one brush truck and one person hauler) when I got up there.

The maps wrong. It's just east of where the white road (a fire road) meets the yellow road (Glendora Ridge Road).
I think County Fire. LACo had their helicopter on scene. US Forrest Service had a helicopter staged on a parking area close to Mt. Baldy. There was 2 different SAR vehicles that passed me, as well as about a half a dozen LACo fire vehicles (rough estimate: 2 pumpers, 2 ladders, a paramedic squad, and the LACo USAR truck), a Schaffer ambulance and supervisor vehicle, and a couple US Forrest Service fire vehicles (at least one brush truck and one person hauler) when I got up there.

The maps wrong. It's just east of where the white road (a fire road) meets the yellow road (Glendora Ridge Road).

Cool. I have had some dealings with the LA County Sheriff's SAR, Montrose SAR, and Sierra Madre SAR folks. And I have been a follower of Sierra Madre and their GIS development. Just wondering if they were involved. Was Rescue 5 in the air?
Correction: It was a LACo Sheriff helicopter, not LACo FD.

Sierra Madre was one of the SAR pickups that I saw pass me, but I don't remember what the other SAR pickup was. Here are some pictures. Thankfully, I couldn't see the actual recovery operation, it was on the other side of an outcropping. However it was very eerie seeing the helicopter disappear behind the hillside while it was below me.




Here's the US Forrest Service helicopter that was parked near the start of the road. When I left they were gone too.

Correction: It was a LACo Sheriff helicopter, not LACo FD.

Sierra Madre was one of the SAR pickups that I saw pass me, but I don't remember what the other SAR pickup was. Here are some pictures. Thankfully, I couldn't see the actual recovery operation, it was on the other side of an outcropping. However it was very eerie seeing the helicopter disappear behind the hillside while it was below me.


<sigh> Good times. Yep... that is Rescue 5; the envy of every Smaller County SAR Team in CA... it is a beast.

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Little Johnny blows up a balloon and starts flicking it all around the house with his finger.

His mother tells him to stop it as he's liable to break something, but Johnny continues.

"Johnny!" Mom screams. "Knock it off." You're going to break something.
He stops and eventually Mom leaves for a short trip to the shopping center.
Johnny starts up with the balloon again after his mom has left for the store...

He gives it one last flick and it lands in the toilet where he leaves it..
Mom comes in and while putting away the groceries gets a diarrhea run. She can hardly make it to the toilet in time and SPLASH, out it comes.

When she's finished, she looks down and can't believe what she's seeing. She's not sure what this big brown thing is in the toilet! She calls her doctor. The doctor is baffled as she describes the situation, but he assures her he'll be over shortly to examine everything.

When he arrives she leads him to the bathroom and he gets down on his knees and takes a long, hard look at the thing. Finally, he takes out his pen and sort of touches it to see what it might be and POP! The balloon explodes and poop is everywhere. On him, the walls, etc.

"Doctor! Doctor! Are you all right?" she asks.

He says, "I've been in this business for over 30 years, and this is the first time I've ever actually seen a fart!"
Amazing... just absolutely amazing.

Way too many "red names" in the Private Room... I think JP or medic417 said something that would make me laugh... that... or they're playing spin the bottle in there. :unsure:
Our weekly CL chat.
Way too many "red names" in the Private Room... I think JP or medic417 said something that would make me laugh... that... or they're playing spin the bottle in there. :unsure:

So you saw my "Don't be racist, be like Mario" post?
"I am not racist; I hate everyone equally! I am an equal opportunity azzhole!"


I'm am actually smart enough not to post the "I hate everyone equally" clip from Full Metal Jacket.
I was supposed to be off an hour and a half ago. We are taking a patient home. Up stairs. My partner never used a stairchair before. She also cant lift.

Having partners like her is making me hate female EMS providers. I am finding generally they play into the weak and helpless I'm just a girl crap.

I know there are some kickass ladies here. I figure you guys are the exception, as is my bestie.
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I was supposed to be off an hour and a half ago. We are taking a patient home. Up stairs. My partner never used a stairchair before. She also cant lift.

Having partners like her is making me hate female EMS providers. I am finding generally they play into the weak and helpless I'm just a girl crap.

I know there are some kickass ladies here. I figure you guys are the exception, as is my bestie.

Are stairchairs that difficult to figure out? Do you have the ballin Stryker chair with the tracks? :D
Are stairchairs that difficult to figure out? Do you have the ballin Stryker chair with the tracks? :D
I found that many of my partners struggled opening a stair chair and working with the straps.
We have the rickety Orange ones.

They're not hard to figure out but she's never done it and can't lift and I'm worried the combination will make her drop the patient.

She kept telling me I think I can well I have to do it anyway well If I don't they'll fire me I might be able to do it etcetc.

I told her she needs to tell me for sure 100% she can do it or she is putting me and my patient in danger.

She couldn't. So I called dispatch and apologized profusely and asked for a second crew. We are waiting.
I found that many of my partners struggled opening a stair chair and working with the straps.


I've never had an issue figuring out how to use any of our equipment. Also the two new guys that have ridden FTO time with my partner and I have never had a problem either. Maybe I just give people too much credit?

I guess it helps that Stryker had the brilliant idea to make anything that causes a part of the equipment to fold/unfold/move bright red.