Philosophical question for ya:
You are fighting a battle that is good and just, where victory will mean a better system and therefore allow the community and your co-workers to be safer.
You can not win. The deck is stacked against you. All your allies are pansys depending on you to fight their war. You are good at this sort of thing and have won many battles (maybe the reason why you have so many enemies now ^_^), but have grown weary and it is affecting you.
Do You:
A. Retreat to fight another day. Lower you moral and ethical standards, letting incompetents continue in their reckless and often illegal behavior, knowing that one day the consequences could be catastrophic?
B. Go out guns blazing. Make a last stand for what you know is true, confident that even if reinforcements fail to arrive in time, you have done everything you could have and can hold your head high?