Stethoscope - The Mega Thread

I think buying an expensive scope is important. However, I recommend NOT buying a Littman because its like parking a Ferrari in the ghetto. Someone will steal it and you will be out of luck. Instead buy a prestige medical high-end scope. You will hear all the good stuff and it probably wont get stolen if you leave it in the rig after work because its not a littman... as ridiculous as it sounds.

On a slightly different note, superglue your earpieces on and they wont come off until you want them to.
In the hospital it is usually an MD that ends up with the scope that is not theirs... Anyway I have always managed with a cheap "disposable" scope for taking blood pressures as a CNA. One of the nurses on the floor recently gave me his Littmann Master Classic scope he had used for a few weeks before he bought himself a master cardiology. I really like it, it is much more comfortable in my ears. I brought it with me to class and the first thing I was told by the instructor... "get your name engraved on it". Kind of ominous. I think I might keep it to the side until I need it... my little yellow guy has always been good to me. The sprague type I got in class has been fine too but it is king of clunky! I figure for a basic the cheap scope will do until P school.
Started 12-23-07 and last post 7-21-09.
I carry a Littmann Cardiology III, with the adult and pediatric heads. I like it a lot. Littmann seems to dominate among personally-owned scopes at my agency. I've heard good things about Ultrascopes but never tried one. They look pretty cool with the hand-painted artwork.
Does anyone know much about Ultrascopes? From the little I can dig up, the few people who have them seem to be happy, but I've never actually seen one, let alone been able to try it. Does the whole head-switching thing work well? And do people take you seriously if you use something that looks that much like a glittery refrigerator magnet?

If it helps, it would be a present for a nursing student, who plans on working with peds. I'd consider getting one for myself someday if they're good tools in addition to being unique and pretty, but I'm happy with what I have for now.
personal opinion: there all the same if you use a litmen cardiology II or III in the field or anything close to that your trying to show off, my father in law is a cardio vascular surgeon and that is what he uses.. I'll admit a few years back I went out and bought an expensive stethoscope , and it was the worst investment Ive made, wish I woulda bought a better pair of boots! i guarantee if you are listing that close to the heart in the field and you roll up in the HP trying to throw out some diagnoses everyone in the ED will think A your stupid and B your not focusing on the problems that your trained and able to do something about in the field.. If you know how to use one there all good the biggest difference is comfort .. just my thoughts and what Ive learned so know need for smart commits !
question.... litmann master classic... any good for getting rid of road niose because it doesn't have the back bevel?
question.... litmann master classic... any good for getting rid of road niose because it doesn't have the back bevel?

Any of the pricier Litmanns with the dual lumen tubing will cut down on the road noise. They're expensive, but worth it, IMHO. But plenty of people will tell you the $14.99 "nurses" scope is good enough, too, so your mileage may vary.
Quick question... anyone know the differences between Littmann Cardiology II & III? Or even what a Cardio II looks like, as Google keeps giving me Cardio IIIs when I search? Just curious... people I ask keep telling me to get a II, but I don't know that I've actually seen one, come to think of it. Everyone I've noticed uses IIIs or II SEs (which is what I currently use).

Can anyone ID the stethoscope I have? They are both Littmanns. The one on the left is a Select. The one on the right is only marked "Littmann 3M Made in the USA". It looks very very similar to the select except it is made from metal instead of plastic. I've spent hours looking for something else similar and can't seem to find a match. It appears halfway close to the Master Classic II but is undoubtedly different. Did they ever make a Master Classic I?

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I could be a peds master classic or a counterfeit Littmann! :beerchug: Oh my! Contact Littmann and ask them directly. Does it have a serial number on the bell?
I could be a peds master classic or a counterfeit Littmann! :beerchug: Oh my! Contact Littmann and ask them directly. Does it have a serial number on the bell?

Awww man! Nope, no serial number or anyway to identify it! I didn't consider a fraud since it appears pretty well built and works well. If so they really took their time on it.


Thats it.

Everybody says: "Dont buy a littmann it will get stolen" and nevertheless everybody has a litmmann. :)

I think that besides a good stethoscope you also need a good pair of boots, good scissors, a small lamp that can be beaten up and a descent notepad or something to write on.