Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed


R/r 911
Sweet! Put the prom dress back on and celebrate not giving up! You did what it takes, and to me, that's the sign of someone that is needed in this field.

Tom in Lincoln

Thank you very much!!! It means alot to have earned the respect of my peers. Thank you!
Where do you look to see if you passed? I can't find a link anywhere. Some of the people in my class got an email, but some didn't.

Took the EMT-B test this morning... stopped at 70. We'll see. I honestly have no idea how I did. Some of the questions didn't even have ONE right option - I had to choose which one was the least-worst. I took a bunch of practice tests, got the Learning Express book, but honestly none of them prepared me for what the test was actually like.

For me I had to wait 2business days, so look on the nremt site in a couple days. you go to check app. status >>>then you will at the bottom where it says print examination results.
If one has trouble passing the Basic test; please blame no one else other than themselves. You had books right? All texts are based upon the NHTSA curriculum and AHA CPR & ECC guidelines.

If you failed the test (which is written at a 10'th grade level) then re-evaluate your study techniques, your reading comprehension and test taking capabilities. Especially at the Basic level. How much true study time are you dedicating to it?

When one starts taking advanced level examinations, then it becomes a different story as the tests involves more dynamic and in-depth level material.

R/r 911

I agree, it is all about time you put in and how you study at the basic level. First time I failed my fault, I didnt study when I should have. Second time I studied alot more, thus I passed. thank you Ridryder for being a positive and knowledgable forum responder.
First time on here so hold on....I tested on Friday, had to wait til this morning (Monday) to find out. Test shut off at 70.....PASSED!!! Horrible weekend. Don't test on a Friday
First time on here so hold on....I tested on Friday, had to wait til this morning (Monday) to find out. Test shut off at 70.....PASSED!!! Horrible weekend. Don't test on a Friday

Congratulations, JIMINN. :)
Thanks....I thought for sure I failed!!!!! I did not want to go thru that test again. Or maybe the wait is more like it....:wacko:
For the ECA, I had 76 questions and passed. However, that is the only test I have ever taken in my life that I have walked out of and had absolutely no idea how well or poorly I had done. It is indeed a CRAZY test.
Wow, I'm in trouble; 1st test stopped at 128 - I failed.

Did some MAJOR studying, in the text, wrote 34 new pages of notes, and took some "practice" tests. All indicators say "pass".

Then... yesterday tested again.

Second test, 72 and stopped. But FAILED!

A lot of you are getting to the 70's and are passing, I am befuddled!
my study strategy

As you may well know about my recent second failure, it's got me in a serious state of trying to realize what's going wrong for me. Here is what I did after first failure:

Immediately hit my Brady book (8th edition - is that a factor?). Zipped thru the book to see what objectives I got sampled on and how I answered wrong/and why. Then I found the national curriculum from the DOT, a document called emtbnsc.pdf (but it looks old, where is the newest one?). I went through that and determined I really needed to go thru my Brady book with a fine toothed comb. I spent about 3/5 hours a day (easy-Im basically unemployed) checking out each objective. I generated a whole mess of self notes (about 34 pages, then I put them on a Word document for better traction). I matched my note taking to the national curriculum and made sure I paid attention to what I thought I was weak at. I took several pratice tests from Platinum Computer Adaptive Testing which showed me Passing or Maybe in most areas. After the first failure, taking those tests showed vast improvement.

Now I've got to deal with this latest attempt. I made the appointment with great confidence and thought that I should have no fear making it through the test. Wow, I'm just floored. Is there something, some other tool I need to consider? Yikes!
So I took my NR test today.

Went I walked out It was a few minutes shy of 1300 EDT. (today is a Thursday)

Rid, I know you say that the number of questions dosn't matter but it gives some bit of relif to the anxitity to some people.

When I walked out of the testing center, my stomach was churning. I felt like I was going to vomit before I even got my items from the Locker. I cant say that i am sure I bombed it, cause I really dont know. I felt like I failed yes, but i feel like I just failed, ya know, i did fairly well on it but just not good enough. I got some of the pilot questions some are talking about, ie, how to come up with the tidal rate.

Ended at 70 questions at 48 minutes.

Last question was about infant cpr 2 rescuers.
I know I got it right.

patiently waiting to see how I have done. either way I think some ETOH consumption is inevitable. (I dont normaly drink and Not talking about getting drunk, one or two beers Max)
86, passed.
83, Passed on first attempt. Didnt feel like I had. In fact, it felt like I had completely bombed it.

So I took my NR test today.

Went I walked out It was a few minutes shy of 1300 EDT. (today is a Thursday)

Rid, I know you say that the number of questions dosn't matter but it gives some bit of relif to the anxitity to some people.

When I walked out of the testing center, my stomach was churning. I felt like I was going to vomit before I even got my items from the Locker. I cant say that i am sure I bombed it, cause I really dont know. I felt like I failed yes, but i feel like I just failed, ya know, i did fairly well on it but just not good enough. I got some of the pilot questions some are talking about, ie, how to come up with the tidal rate.

Ended at 70 questions at 48 minutes.

Last question was about infant cpr 2 rescuers.
I know I got it right.

patiently waiting to see how I have done. either way I think some ETOH consumption is inevitable. (I dont normaly drink and Not talking about getting drunk, one or two beers Max)

Passed. So relifved and happy. Already got hired and I start As soon as Tennessee posts the State License on there website!