Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

a lot of people i went to school went said it stopped at 60. some passed, and soe failed. i know when mine stopped i was freaking out. the test seemed TO easy. but i passed
a lot of people i went to school went said it stopped at 60. some passed, and soe failed. i know when mine stopped i was freaking out. the test seemed TO easy. but i passed

It seemed "To easy?" Now I know you are lying! LOL Just kidding... it was not easy for me, felt like questions I had never heard asked in the same way... other than the final class test we had. Might depend on what book you/I were taught from.

Tom in Lincoln
doubt it if you want. i only took the test once and it stopped at 60.

sorry, it has to be a higher number as > 70 is the number including pilot test questions.

it was easy becuase this is the kind of stuff that i wanna do so i studied my *** off during class. but i had a lot of additonal help with the other classes i took along with emt. plus my teacher's a paramedic so he was able to go more in depth with the book (brady 10th edition emergency care)
PASSED @ 130 questions

I can't believe I passed. I underestimated the test, thought it was going to be a breeze and did not study for the test. I was frustrated during the examination. Once it was over I knew i failed. Test stopped at QUESTION 130.
Woke up this morning ready to get my study on and BAMMO! CONGRATS! i passed.
Now I am getting a job pay off my jeep and get debt free!
I can't believe I passed. I underestimated the test, thought it was going to be a breeze and did not study for the test. I was frustrated during the examination. Once it was over I knew i failed. Test stopped at QUESTION 130.
Woke up this morning ready to get my study on and BAMMO! CONGRATS! i passed.
Now I am getting a job pay off my jeep and get debt free!

Umm, yeah, I think your underestimating the field too. And not studying for your national exam ? What in the world kind of emt do you want to be ?
150 passed :)

couldn't resist. It as written and years ago :)
I saw all the comments on the test not stopping before 70. So when I took mine I watched it carefully. After I answered #67 it stopped. I thought that I must have failed for sure if I needed to answer at least 70 correct.... Much to my delight the next morning I received the email that my results were available and I had passed.

Maybe they have changed the amount of pilot questions..... Because it did stop after question 67.
Almost was my first patient

70 question on the nose and it shut off.
Was a wreck for two days until I found out I passed
Umm, yeah, I think your underestimating the field too. And not studying for your national exam ? What in the world kind of emt do you want to be ?
Well, I put a lot of effort into my EMT class, therefore preparing me for the NREMT. And I plan on being a very well rounded and capable EMT.
70 is the magic number

[COLOR="Orange"]Hi Im new to this and I am also a new EMT-B, ready to keep going to become a paramedic. I just want to share my testing experience. First of all study everything and i mean everything my test was 60% OBGYN 20%Hypovolemia or shock 10% pediatrics patient assesment 5% Adult pt assessment and the last 5% medicolegal. But a was tough i got shutdown at question 70 and i fealt defeated but next day 10 am there a was passed. Besides my core material I took some practice test at a helped and i took a green cover book EMT-B test preparatio out of the library and a worked too. Also keep in mind as you are doing the test if questions get harder you are doing good if question get easier pay attention. You need to pass with a 70% thats why ig you get shutdow at 70 99.9% chances id you pass if you did not pass you fail bad bad bad. If you dont get shutdown at 70 the computer is giving you the chance to reach the level of competency. If anybody needs more help ill be glad to help ....[/color]

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NREMT-P ... 78 questions ... Passed

For those of you signing up, don't take it on a Friday morning! You'll have to wait all weekend for results like me!
well, I took NREMT-B 18 days ago failed, then again 3days ago..and am to scared to look to see if i passed or failed. the first time I hit 123, this time I hit 121. I studied for both test, even bought 11th edition brady emergancy care, hit the emtb web siteand read postings on this site. The test isnt hard in itself,just I had am EMT-B instructor she is a medic. All she taught to was NorCal EMS protcall, which left all of us in the class unprepared for NREMT, I dont even know how to use PAGS since our area got rid of it in 1989. Well, when i figure out how I did the 2nd time around (get my prom dress off and look at my results) I will post.
Well I did it! I passed at 121..finally got nerve to look!! Thank you to the site and memebers for advice, and thank you for creating the site!
Well I did it! I passed at 121..finally got nerve to look!! Thank you to the site and memebers for advice, and thank you for creating the site!

Sweet! Put the prom dress back on and celebrate not giving up! You did what it takes, and to me, that's the sign of someone that is needed in this field.

Tom in Lincoln
Where do you look to see if you passed? I can't find a link anywhere. Some of the people in my class got an email, but some didn't.

Took the EMT-B test this morning... stopped at 70. We'll see. I honestly have no idea how I did. Some of the questions didn't even have ONE right option - I had to choose which one was the least-worst. I took a bunch of practice tests, got the Learning Express book, but honestly none of them prepared me for what the test was actually like.
NREMT-P ... 78 questions ... Passed

For those of you signing up, don't take it on a Friday morning! You'll have to wait all weekend for results like me!

How tough was it? Was it easier or harder than you though it would be?
If one has trouble passing the Basic test; please blame no one else other than themselves. You had books right? All texts are based upon the NHTSA curriculum and AHA CPR & ECC guidelines.

If you failed the test (which is written at a 10'th grade level) then re-evaluate your study techniques, your reading comprehension and test taking capabilities. Especially at the Basic level. How much true study time are you dedicating to it?

When one starts taking advanced level examinations, then it becomes a different story as the tests involves more dynamic and in-depth level material.

R/r 911
*Exam Date:* 4/14/2009 (CST)

*Results Date:* 4/15/2009 (CST)

*Examination Scored*

Congratulations on successfully earning your national EMS certification.

Certification documents will be mailed to the address provided in your account profile by first class US Postal service within three business days.


Again, it was the EMT-B, stopped right at 70.