My BIGGEST pet peeves

"O2 stats"
My pet peeves

"How long has this been going on?"
"Ohhhh.... For *insert any time frame imaginable that could be chronic*"

My "favorites" calls are the 3:00 A.M. toothache, earache, sore throat responses. you ask them how long they had the problem . . . "oh, two or three days". I have to bite my tongue to keep from asking "why did you call us?":wacko:
"O2 stats"

I'll have you know my O2 stats are awesome! :P

My "favorites" calls are the 3:00 A.M. toothache, earache, sore throat responses. you ask them how long they had the problem . . . "oh, two or three days". I have to bite my tongue to keep from asking "why did you call us?":wacko:

Welcome to the job. Nothing like meeting PD at 0330 to make sure drunky mcdrunko is ok to go to jail.
My "favorites" calls are the 3:00 A.M. toothache, earache, sore throat responses. you ask them how long they had the problem . . . "oh, two or three days". I have to bite my tongue to keep from asking "why did you call us?":wacko:

I never have, and never will complain about these people. They are easy runs and job security. Hence the reason I love my frequent fliers. Its a break from a busy shift and relative job security.
When you ask a student if they have any questions, or if there's anything they need to work on: "No, I think I'm good...."

......Really? Because I'm working in the field, have been doing this for a few years, and have more questions than I can ever remember! How is it that you're in class, but don't have even ONE question?! Maybe you should just go sit for the USMLEs...

When you ask a student if they have any questions, or if there's anything they need to work on: "No, I think I'm good...."

......Really? Because I'm working in the field, have been doing this for a few years, and have more questions than I can ever remember! How is it that you're in class, but don't have even ONE question?! Maybe you should just go sit for the USMLEs...


My pet peeves are students who try to fight with me when I tell them something.

Really? I've worked in EMS for three full years now you really wanna try and tell me I'm wrong? Shut up and listen.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
Giving a radio report beginning with "we are 5 minutes out..." then the nurse telling me to stand by for 4 1/2 minutes and getting pissed when she comes back and I inform her that we are at the door.

Getting a patient to the ER after doing a good exam and suddenly they report all manor of symptoms that would have required a medic eval.

Having to stop a patient and ask, "Okay, so why did you call 911 THIS time."
People who don't know what meds their on or what their meds are for. If I'm taking medication you bet I'm damn sure I know what I'm on and why I'm on it.
There, their, and they're...
I tell them you get seen based on what wrong with you, im always honest. Foot pain? im probably going to wheel you straight into the waiting room and put you in a chair with everyone else. and we are driving code 1 too

The nurses at our level 1 trauma center are awesome. Not only will they chair that patient but they will give them a lecture about not abusing the EMS system, and if it's a chronic abuser they might make the person sit for an extra few hours.
"what's the liter flow rate?"

"40 percent."

" many liters?"

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
Students that don't know a dose/scale/exam etc on a call but then will come back to the station and not crack their book.
Professors who don't understand the meaning of what they write in a primer.

Course directors who change the keyed answer from the correct answer to the wrong answer instead of double keying because the majority of the class got the question wrong.

Course directors and professors who decide test challenges based off the percent of the class who got the answer wrong instead of the merits of the challenge, especially when they can't actually come up with a reason why the challenge is bad.
"what's the liter flow rate?"

"40 percent."

" many liters?"

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

5-12 :ph34r:
Providers with the same exact certs as you acting like they're better/treating you like dirt because they work for one of the local 911 services (but do mostly IFT...) while you work strictly IFT.

Oh, I was going to tell you what you need to do to get in the locked facility, but you didn't even look at me when I said "what's up?" Fine, ****. Have fun looking like the rookie you are.
Providers with the same exact certs as you acting like they're better/treating you like dirt because they work for one of the local 911 services (but do mostly IFT...) while you work strictly IFT.

Oh, I was going to tell you what you need to do to get in the locked facility, but you didn't even look at me when I said "what's up?" Fine, ****. Have fun looking like the rookie you are.

For over here it's the opposite way. The IFT company's employees act like that.