My BIGGEST pet peeves

We don't REQUIRE it, but we ask for it to make life interesting. It's just nice to see the people taxpayers pay for go to the hospital via an ambulance for that stubbed toe.

Ehhh, Medicaid will deny it meaning your not stuck with the bill as a taxpayer, rather you'll be stuck with it as someone who uses the ED for legit reasons and has health coverage.
I get annoyed when a patient tells me their pain is a ten. But theyre sitting there calm and happy as a clam...

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Motion sickness while writing the epcr sitting in the airway seat on a third ride haha
Patients who drink too much, but not enough that they need to be intubated. They always come just after we clean the rig, even if it's 7 am on a Wednesday.

The home nursing service calling an ALS crew to help raise the patient into her armchair.

The local drunk who learned by heart all the most nightmarishly specific symptoms and different specialized medical centers just to use the ambulance as a taxi to get to whichever part of the city he wants in under 7 minutes.
stupid interview questions that dont relate to the job itself. one time an interviewer ask me if i knew a "round hole" in my mind i'm like no mother:censored::censored::censored::censored:er i dont know whats a round hole. then he goes and explain about it saying when a person gets stuck in a question or a situation blah blah..u gotta find ways to react blah blah..i'm like WTF I'm not getting the job am I..cuz of one little stupid question u made and i dont know how to respond to it.
Sounds like someone blew an interview.. I can only guess why. If your last few posts are any indicator of the interview.. Then improve your attitude and try again.
pet peev's

Arriving at a SNF, asking the CNA or LPN what's going on and hearing, "I don't know, I just started shift."

"How much is this going to cost?"
If you're healthy enough to worry about the price you could probably take yourself.

"Can I have some water?"
Why do people suddenly get dehydrated in the back of an ambulance?

"Why aren't we going faster? Why aren't the sirens on?"
Because this is the third tie I've seen you today for the same thing. You're not dying.

After getting a whole list of c/o having to ask, "okay what's the biggest problem", or, "Why did you call 911 TODAY?"
stupid interview questions that dont relate to the job itself. one time an interviewer ask me if i knew a "round hole" in my mind i'm like no mother:censored::censored::censored::censored:er i dont know whats a round hole. then he goes and explain about it saying when a person gets stuck in a question or a situation blah blah..u gotta find ways to react blah blah..i'm like WTF I'm not getting the job am I..cuz of one little stupid question u made and i dont know how to respond to it.

Seriously? Again? This attitude is why you're not getting a job.
I've learned a new one.

Dialysis chairs that don't have weights written on them.
I've learned a new one.

Dialysis chairs that don't have weights written on them.

How about:

Arriving at a dialysis facility with a patient who has gone to that dialysis center at the same time three times a week for years to find that all the dialysis chairs that open on the side are taken by completely mobile patients and you are stuck offloading into one that doesn't open and your patient is 250lbs?
"Can I have some water?"
Why do people suddenly get dehydrated in the back of an ambulance?

Well, you've already gotten them a blanket and pillow, tucked them in, and picked up their luggage. It seems like the logical next step.

And on that note, one of my dialysis regulars went through a phase where he just had to have a glass* of ice water when we got him back to his SNF. One day, I was astonished to find that the staff, otherwise some of the laziest and least competent I know of, actually had a fresh cup of ice water waiting for him on his bedside table. I found this out as I was filling a cup with ice from their floor kitchen. Not sure which of us was more thoroughly conditioned at that point.
*He would probably have finished off a 5-gallon bucket if we gave it to him in 8 oz. increments.
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How about:

Arriving at a dialysis facility with a patient who has gone to that dialysis center at the same time three times a week for years to find that all the dialysis chairs that open on the side are taken by completely mobile patients and you are stuck offloading into one that doesn't open and your patient is 250lbs?

Perhaps the only "plus" of having a bariatric stretcher on our truck is we usually get a second truck for our morning dialysis run. But dialysis chairs that don't open suck period.
Perhaps the only "plus" of having a bariatric stretcher on our truck is we usually get a second truck for our morning dialysis run. But dialysis chairs that don't open suck period.

Hate them. Unless the pt is less than 150. Then i like to do end to end transfer
250 isn't bariatric for us.

I do a head to foot slide for those. Line the head of the stretcher up with the end of the chair, and slide or lift/carry them up to the end of the chair. Easier than going up and over that stupid mother effing arm rest.
250 isn't bariatric for us.

I do a head to foot slide for those. Line the head of the stretcher up with the end of the chair, and slide or lift/carry them up to the end of the chair. Easier than going up and over that stupid mother effing arm rest.

Yea agreed. 300 and up is bari for us
Perhaps the only "plus" of having a bariatric stretcher on our truck is we usually get a second truck for our morning dialysis run. But dialysis chairs that don't open suck period.

I've never seen a dialysis chair before so I have no clue what you guy are talking about haha
How about:

Arriving at a dialysis facility with a patient who has gone to that dialysis center at the same time three times a week for years to find that all the dialysis chairs that open on the side are taken by completely mobile patients and you are stuck offloading into one that doesn't open and your patient is 250lbs?

Or going to clinics that just don't have side loading chairs period and the patient is not interested in cooperating with you during the lift. "Please give yourself a don't grab the siderail...NO let go of that...stop spitting at no seriously stop spitting at me...wait no don't roll back over onto the cot...can we get some help over here!"

The VA dialysis unit here is all beds that have scales built into them, oh the joy!
Partners with snoring respirations... while awake.

Partners who eat like five year olds (both in diet and table manners).

Posting all day without running a single call... until the last half hour of your shift.

350+ pound patients who blame others for their weight problem.

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Or going to clinics that just don't have side loading chairs period and the patient is not interested in cooperating with you during the lift. "Please give yourself a don't grab the siderail...NO let go of that...stop spitting at no seriously stop spitting at me...wait no don't roll back over onto the cot...can we get some help over here!"

The VA dialysis unit here is all beds that have scales built into them, oh the joy!

Hey! You've taken my patient before, haven't you? :P