How to have gloves on you at all times

ONCE AGAIN!!! LAY OFF OF SASHA!!!!! She is one of the smartest people onhere and I think EVERYONE could learn something from her. This looks real nice, having bash-out drag-out arguments. The goal of EMS (well, its original one) is to serve the people and aid your community. Flooding the forum with sarcasm accomplishes nothing. Trust me, my ex's mom is a psychoanalyst. I think I see what is going on: there are several type A personalities caged all together via modem lines and keyboard buttons. The "I'm God" people think they have to prove something to everyone else and put on a show. Ease it up a little! There is no need to put on a show; everyone on this forum is in the same field, and furthermore, this is NOT a stage, and you DO NOT get grades on your acting! So can we at least try to get along on here? Please?!
Sooooo...what you're trying to tell me is.... you have a crush on Sasha?
Let's get back on topic, please.
If you wish to carry glove on you at all times they sell glove carriers for your belt at most any medical supply store and uniform stores. In regards to the hand sanitizer you can carry a small bottle in your pocket most EMS pants have cargo pockets just put a bottle in there and your set. Others have brought up the point that it is not necessary to use hand sanitizer prior to the donning of gloves, while not necessary there is nothing wrong with it. The key thing being using hand sanitizer after patient contact. I understand you are still young but as you get into EMS the longer your in it the more you will realize the less stuff you truly need to carry with you.

Personally all I carry on my uniform is a pair of trauma shears in my right ankle pocket, a CAT in my left ankle pocket, and a Gerber on my belt. I will also occasionally put a pair of nitrile gloves in my cargo pocket. On my IBA (body armor) I move my trauma shears from my pocket to in between some molle webbing. I carry a seat belt cutter (MNC-I mandate,) An IFAK or Improved First Aid Kit which consists of a pair of gloves, a roll of 3in. tape, a 14ga x 2.5in catheter for needle chest decompressions, a roll of kerlix and a Israeli dressing. I also have on my IBA a small pouch with a bag of hetastartch, 18 and 16ga catheters, iv tubing, israeli dressing, CAT, roll of tape, tegaderm and a penlight.

That being said it must be kept in mind I work in an austere environment. Though I do admire your "rearin' to go" attitude, you may want to tone down just a tad.

I in no way mean any disrespect from this post paramedichopeful, I apologize in advance if this upsets you.
He is just a little cranky cause he is not an "ELDER"
Like you said, that's your transcript and not mine.
Sasha only has eyes for me :P

I put two pair of gloves in my pant pockets.
I also have a small roll of them in my work jacket, and a box of my size on the back of the stryker gurney and some in the bags.
I put two pair of gloves in my pant pockets.

Just remember that body heat and friction from the pant pocket material or whatever objects are in there with your gloves may damage the gloves and even tiny unseen holes can be a problem. Thus, the gloves may give you a false sense of security while they are letting whatever onto your skin.
Just remember that body heat and friction from the pant pocket material or whatever objects are in there with your gloves may damage the gloves and even tiny unseen holes can be a problem. Thus, the gloves may give you a false sense of security while they are letting whatever onto your skin.
Will do. Its 101 degrees here at the moment. I miss the bay area.
Sometimes the mositure from the hand sanitizer is the only way I can get those gloves on. When you have shrek-sized hands and impeccably long fingers with knuckles wider than pop cans, that little bit of moisture goes a long way. The nitrile gloves seem to work better for me; the old latex ones would tear whenever I put them on and rip across the top whenever I bent a finger. Plus, latex causes allergic reactions, so I consider those an obsolete tool of the devil. Why can't they just make gloves to fit the incredible hulk?

And as for the carrying too much stuff thing; it has proved smart many times. I do a lot of hiking, fishing, and ATV muddin' so you had better be prepared unless you want to make room in your veins by oozing out some extra blood. And, you never know what's gonna happen. I have found that if you have all your crap together and have an ER in your backseat, nothing usually happens. However, when your only supplies are a lousy 4x4 and a pair of gloves, all hell breaks loose and you're most likely going to be in the middle of it.

I used to be all laid back and have the "I'll deal with it whenever it happens" attitude, but painstaking experience has forced a change of viewpoint upon me. So, I learned my lesson and now I don't ever leave the house without my stuff.
Just a point to ponder.... if you use hand sanitizer every time you put on gloves it would have to have one heck of a drying effect on your skin leading them to become cracked and chapped. There is no way to get your hands completely dry of the hand sanitizer prior to putting on gloves. To me, that sounds very uncomfortable. But to each there own.
Sooooo...what you're trying to tell me is.... you have a crush on Sasha?
WHAT!!! How do you get THAT? Are you, oh what should we say... Pharmaceutically Gifted at the moment? I mean, I think she's intelligible and has a good head on her shoulders, but that's about it. No offense to her, but she is out of the age range for me.

Seriously, why would u even think something like that. Don't even get a rumor started around here that has no truth to it whatsoever? What if I said u were in love with Rosie O'Donnell? :)
By the way, how did this go from the subject of gloves to DR. Phil's love advice for EMS? Or do I really wanna know?

Hey there's me another idea: Montel does EMS!!!!!! No, the Jerry Springer show would be better. Just kidding; I think everybody in here knows who their dad is lol. :)
What if I said u were in love with Rosie O'Donnell?

Rosie is lebo so we would know your full of ****... ha ha.

Man, when I was 16 I would have loved to have gotten with a 21 y/o!
Rosie is lebo so we would know your full of ****... ha ha.

Man, when I was 16 I would have loved to have gotten with a 21 y/o!
what's "lebo"? is that a new religion or something? or, if you're talking like in the case of ellen degenres, LEZBO!!
who came up with the idea that I liked Sasha anyway? I just try to neutralize the corrosive acid when everyone tries to gang up on the people with the better viewpoints and experience levels.