ONCE AGAIN!!! LAY OFF OF SASHA!!!!! She is one of the smartest people onhere and I think EVERYONE could learn something from her. This looks real nice, having bash-out drag-out arguments. The goal of EMS (well, its original one) is to serve the people and aid your community. Flooding the forum with sarcasm accomplishes nothing. Trust me, my ex's mom is a psychoanalyst. I think I see what is going on: there are several type A personalities caged all together via modem lines and keyboard buttons. The "I'm God" people think they have to prove something to everyone else and put on a show. Ease it up a little! There is no need to put on a show; everyone on this forum is in the same field, and furthermore, this is NOT a stage, and you DO NOT get grades on your acting! So can we at least try to get along on here? Please?!