If anything, I would not be so concerned with FDNY EMS being able to handle call surges, and needing to use the vollies. There are legions of ambulances canvassing the city. I would be much more concerned with a system that uses System Status Management/PUM. They are literally getting by with the bare minimum amount of ambulances as they can get away with deploying, and playing games with historical call volume tp post units where they think a call will drop. I would also be more concerned with systems that contract to the privates, where the 911 units also do IFT in their downtime. It is very tempting for the company to squeeze in some IFT runs, and chance not getting 911 calls. Also, the typical private provider, like a SSM/PUM agency, will deploy the bare minimum of ambulances required due to cost.
In my opinion, barring an earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane, or riots, the vollies are pretty much irrelevant in the NYC 911 system.
In my opinion, barring an earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane, or riots, the vollies are pretty much irrelevant in the NYC 911 system.