Forum Deputy Chief
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Start of the 48, the day before yesterday, elderly fall at home with some skin tears to the arm.....turned from a simple BLS fall to an ALS emergent run to the hospital when pt had new onset unilateral left sided weakness, facial droop, and slurred speech......
Day 2 of the 48 (different shift at a different station just back to back), 2 17-year-olds totaled a Stingray Corvette driving down a canyon road, attempting to pass someone, overcorrected, lost control, went head-on into an SUV, fortunately, speeds were slow enough that although pieces of the car were all over the road, only 1 real patient with a nice little forehead lac.
LAST call of the shift was a bit of a doozy though, 2 hours before getting off, reported seizure, rural canyon area, fire medics said they had a 10 min response (we had like a 15-20min on the ambulance.....didn't help it was the second call in someone else's district up in the mountains...) and the kid (another 17 yr old) was still seizing.....polypharm overdose, 1-1-1 on the GCS, had to break out the BVM to assist ventilations, medic said the only reason he didn't intubate is that he was clenching his teeth so hard I couldn't even get an OPA in (NPA dropped in no prob ha) and his heart rate and BP were bad news (I was too busy bagging to really get the actual numbers off the monitor as it was facing the medic not me ha), friends only said he took LSD, but the pinpoint pupils, respiratory depression, and that he woke up in the hospital shortly after 2mg naloxone IV en route point to other drugs ha....kinda cool to see the ED Doc straight up RSI the kid
Day 2 of the 48 (different shift at a different station just back to back), 2 17-year-olds totaled a Stingray Corvette driving down a canyon road, attempting to pass someone, overcorrected, lost control, went head-on into an SUV, fortunately, speeds were slow enough that although pieces of the car were all over the road, only 1 real patient with a nice little forehead lac.
LAST call of the shift was a bit of a doozy though, 2 hours before getting off, reported seizure, rural canyon area, fire medics said they had a 10 min response (we had like a 15-20min on the ambulance.....didn't help it was the second call in someone else's district up in the mountains...) and the kid (another 17 yr old) was still seizing.....polypharm overdose, 1-1-1 on the GCS, had to break out the BVM to assist ventilations, medic said the only reason he didn't intubate is that he was clenching his teeth so hard I couldn't even get an OPA in (NPA dropped in no prob ha) and his heart rate and BP were bad news (I was too busy bagging to really get the actual numbers off the monitor as it was facing the medic not me ha), friends only said he took LSD, but the pinpoint pupils, respiratory depression, and that he woke up in the hospital shortly after 2mg naloxone IV en route point to other drugs ha....kinda cool to see the ED Doc straight up RSI the kid