Medics here use LAPSS as far as I can tell. For us, first responder fire, they want us to test army drift, grip strength, feet push pulls, equal facial symmetry and that stuff, while the medics take all that, plus things like age, blood glucose, history, etc into consideration before calling a stroke alert or not.
We started going down that road yesterday on our first call of the day, came in as a seizure, 69 yo F, unconscious on arrival, opened eyes at her name but didn't really respond, pulse ox was 78%...started some high flow O2 and she started coming around and talking, initially only A&Ox1 to name, did those neuro checks ^ but they came up good. Idk if she was just postictal and hypoxic but by the time we got her into the ambulance she was talking and oriented 93 and generally a lot better off looking, so no stroke alert lol