On my PRN IFT:
As usual the schedule is screwy, the medics aren't in and its just me (EMT) and the other truck's EMT. Dispatch drops a trip from the nursing home that had been scheduled overnight for abnormal labs. Dispatch asks us to go over (right down the street) and see what's going on and take it if we can.
Get over walk in, see the PT on a vent ... Walk out and find the RN. PT is vent dependant so we have the conversation that No, I'm not bagging the vent pt 30 minutes across town to the hospital they want. So I give the RN their choice of 3 closer I feel comfortable bagging to. So phone call to dispatch to update and "O by the way, patient is not only vent dependant but a bariatric patient...".
So new plan is for us to get our bari cot, get the medic who just walked in and get this $#%& show rolling. We get the cot and the medic but our next surprise is no vent circuits for our travel vent....