Ok, I gotcha. He needs to decide something that you apparently allready have. Is this just a "stupid job," or is this what he really wants to do? Will being with her really make him happy and will he end up in a lasting relationship? Why is she even asking him this? Rather important questions that need to be answered.
Basically, what you've said and continue to say, is that a new relationship that may or may not even go anywhere or last is more important than a job and doing what you want to for a career. You really feel that way? Say you've been dating someone for 6 months and they tell you that they can't stand you being an EMT and if you try and become a paramedic it's off. What do you do?
You can't base your life on "what ifs". You have to look at things logically. We have a biological and evolutionary incentive to continue the species. He has found potential for doing so. Why forsake what nature has programmed us to do for a job where he'll just end up retiring and may very well be alone afterward? And yes, a new relationship that may or may not go anywhere is more important than a job that probably won't go anywhere or will potentially get him killed.
Okay, I now see the problem. You don't believe in love? Yet believe one will be happy with a person and base it upon compatibility? That's very confusing since most successful relationships are not based something as simple as being compatible, then was is the difference in being roommates and just friends as per say being mates?
Do many have a poor perception of what love is? Sure. But, why limit yourself to someone or life because things are going great .... for right now.
What happens per say in two years that person does not tend to make you happy.. you discharge them and move on until you find another that makes you happy?
Do you sacrifice your potential career (whatever it might be) due to a current feeling without that knowledge of commitment?
Love is more than an emotion as it has held couples together through the roughest times and joyous occasions. In fact most will inform you that their love grows and deepens many times after the "rough" situation that they "stuck it through".
Again, one has to be happy with themselves way before they can ever should consider attempting to be happy with another. Communication is essential in any relationship, and as suggested counseling can open doors to encourage and develop a better method of doing so.
R/r 911
Yes, I do not believe in love. The only difference between a girlfriend and a friend is the behavior between you and her, whatever emotional nonsense you feel, and the "girl" you add to the beginning. If people are compatible, they have fun together. They have fun together, they make each other happy. There's no magical force there. They just enjoy each others' company.
I disagree, I want to marry rich and widow early.
Things are starting to make sense now...
Regardless, life is hazardous to your health. Every job is potentially dangerous. Teachers can get shot up at school, bankers can get shot up in a robbery, train drivers can get hijacked, ice cream men can crash or get killed by an angry parent, crossing guards can get hit by a car, bag ladies/men can get mowed down by a cart, cart rounder upers can get hit by a car, factory worker can get caught in machinery, office workers can have an airplane crashed into their office building, etc.
Also, you can't base your life on what other people want. You will never be happy if it's not what YOU want.
He wants to be a firefighter whether you think it's a decent profession or not. That may or may not make him happy, but he will never know until he tries it out.
How many school shootings have there been compared to firefighters hurt or killed? Yes, every job is potentially dangerous, but few jobs require you to go face to face with that danger with the intentions of destroying it. And what if other peoples' happiness makes him happy? This is nothing to do with my disdain for the fire service. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, this thread shouldn't even be on here since this is an EMS forum. But I'm humoring it anyway because I don't want this guy to throw away something that makes him happy for something else that might make him happy for a little while, or he might not even achieve and find himself in double misery.
Allright, we get it, you hate the fire service and take every opportunity possible to discourage others from going down that route.
You really seem to hate firefighters. What did they do to you? Tune you up, steal your girlfriend, what is it with you? the guy asked about relationship advice and you keep obsessing and ranting about the (evil, stupid, dangerous, blah blah blah) fire service.
Of the five posts I've made in this tread, I spoke of the fire service in a negative light once. The fact that I want to take every possible opportunity to discourage others from going down the firemedic route is irrelevant. I would say the same to him for any particularly dangerous job. If he wants to be a firefighter, fine. I'll always need a stretcher fetcher or somebody to cut my patient out of something. But by forsaking this relationship before he even has a job offer is the old proverbial counting of unhatched chickens. Once he has a job offer, he can do whatever he wants. If he picks her, I wish worlds of health, wealth, and happiness. If he picks the job, one more stretcher fetcher and one more hurt girl who needs a rebound man (giggity giggity goo!)
As for
why I hate the fire service, haven't you and I been over it enough times?
And to the OP: I think we've all forgotten the most important question: What does this girl look like?