Ok, i got through 8 pages of this crap. Now i mean NO disrespect.
Rid, Your an old, jaded person from EMS. You have a problem with the younger EMT's
You have issues with someone who isnt a full Paramedic.
You ACTUALLY seem to believe that as a Paramedic you can provide care. ITS ALL BS. about the best thing we can do in EMS can be done by ALL levels.
We have a term for it here. it is called Deisel Thearpy. There is very little that can be done in the ambulance other than stablize a pt. and get them to the hospital where THE real work is done.
You work in a hospital, thats great. Try to work there without ALL the Doctors, Nurses, Radiologists, TEchs, Resp thearpists, Surgons, Phlebotomists... THE list is Many miles long. that are required to keep the doors open.
Its not just EMS that needs to be redone, its the Entire system.
Yes, I am a younger person Myself. I know my spelling sucks, but i am typing this on a cell phone anyways.
When i work in the city, i see alot of clueless EMT-B's, -I's AND -P's
I also see that its not the age of the person, but the person themselves that determines if they are any good, and capable of helping others.
I do not CARE how many letters come after your name on a sheet of paper.
I only Care if you help those we are here to help.
Everyone Ages different, but thats a fact of life.
(yes i :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about higher insurance rates for driving my car when i never have been in a wreck or got a ticket)
Its actually not just Healthcare that needs reform. Its ALL of Society.
You cannot judge a person on statistics.
I am more than a generalized number.
I have been an EMT-B for 1 year. I have now planned to move ahead into bigger and better goals as my recent posts have said.
I never saw being a Basic the end all of my carreer. I saw it as more of a testing the waters stage. To see if it was really what i wanted to do.
/end rant
Not really Jaded at all

; in fact most students always request me! What I do NOT tolerate is being stupd,and providing poor patient care, ignorance is allowed as long as one improves. Sorry, been on and continue to be on all side of the fences, where most have not even been. So the difference is I KNOW what medicine is and what it is NOT. Basic level is first-aid care, that's it. A couple of slapping on bandages and splinting, and yes don't forget the oxygen @ high flow rate, BSI, and tx for shock.. Yes, we make you memorize that..
Sorry, were you not the one wanted to "advance" in medicine, and you do not believe in statistics, or evidenced medicine but believe in "Diesel Medicine" .. What kinda of educated statement is that?
I work in a Level I Trauma Center, one of the few advanced level trauma nurses, and I will tell you "fast" driving has NEVER saved anyone. Apparently, you have missed the point of "scrubbing" in, initialing stabilization in the suite, and then finally get to go to surgery & you really think that an additional 2 minutes is going to matter? I bet you still believe in the "Golden Hour myth" as well.
I don't know how advanced your area is in EMS, but I have spoke at Indiana Conferences (great MASH Bashes!) and know there are several progressive EMS there. As well, know there is very LITTLE in difference in care for cardiac patients, other than transferring them to cath lab.
As for as letting people go... you bet, I enjoy clearing house. This is a profession I take very serious (what other profesion should be more serious?), a job, with employers, and you get paid to know what to do, how to perform, function. I will guide, provide information to you to make you succeed, it is up to you to listen and take action.
Too many believe this is a "training ground".. Yes,
we all learn something everyday, however; everyone should be competent in the minimal levels without prompting.
R/r 911