Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

Sounds like what I do every Tuesday 7-11pm and Saturday 9-7pm. And Paramedic will start in less than a year(hopefully) So now in your eyes can I be on an ambulance?

If you are over 18, then sure. If not, review my previous posts for clarification................
No, age doesn't automatically guarantee maturity, but it does increase the odds. I automatically negate the validity of every young person who cries out about how mature they are. I've seen very mature young people, and none of them ever bragged about their maturity.

Truer words have not been spoken in a long time.
Ok, i got through 8 pages of this crap. Now i mean NO disrespect.
Rid, Your an old, jaded person from EMS. You have a problem with the younger EMT's
You have issues with someone who isnt a full Paramedic.
You ACTUALLY seem to belive that as a Paramedic you can provide care. ITS ALL BS. about the best thing we can do in EMS can be done by ALL levels.
We have a term for it here. it is called Deisel Thearpy. There is very little that can be done in the ambulance other than stablize a pt. and get them to the hospital where THE real work is done.
You work in a hospital, thats great. Try to work there without ALL the Doctors, Nurses, Radiologists, TEchs, Resp thearpists, Surgons, Phlebotomists... THE list is Many miles long. that are required to keep the doors open.
Its not just EMS that needs to be redone, its the Entire system.

Yes, I am a younger person Myself. I know my spelling sucks, but i am typing this on a cell phone anyways.
When i work in the city, i see alot of clueless EMT-B's, -I's AND -P's
I also see that its not the age of the person, but the person themselves that determines if they are any good, and capable of helping others.

I do not CARE how many letters come after your name on a sheet of paper.
I only Care if you help those we are here to help.
Everyone Ages different, but thats a fact of life.
(yes i :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about higher insurance rates for driving my car when i never have been in a wreck or got a ticket)
Its actually not just Healthcare that needs reform. Its ALL of Society.
You cannot judge a person on statistics.
I am more than a generalized number.
I have been an EMT-B for 1 year. I have now planned to move ahead into bigger and better goals as my recent posts have said.
I never saw being a Basic the end all of my carreer. I saw it as more of a testing the waters stage. To see if it was really what i wanted to do.
/end rant
You ACTUALLY seem to belive that as a Paramedic you can provide care. ITS ALL BS. about the best thing we can do in EMS can be done by ALL levels.
We have a term for it here. it is called Deisel Thearpy. There is very little that can be done in the ambulance other than stablize a pt. and get them to the hospital where THE real work is done.

That is the most ignorant statement I have heard in a long time (and there have been quite a few lately!)

First off, its Diesel. If you are going to identify it as a therapy, at least spell it correctly.

Second off, any body can haul arse to the ER. Doesn't have to be an EMT. If memory serves me correctly, this was the methodology utilized for many years until it was realized that training and education can and does impact a patients outcome. This was the sole reasoning behind why Paramedicine was even started. Sorry if you feel threatened by individuals who can diagnose, intervene, and be part of the collaborative health care team. Feel free to use your antiquinated 1960's version of pre-hospital care. The rest of us will continue to do what we have been trying to do for years, promote professionalism in our chosen career for the delivery of quality care..........

Gotta call, will continue later............
So my question is what is an appropriate age to work on an ambulance. I started at 18 as a EMR at 19 was a PCP and 4 years later I am going back for my ACP. So that makes me 23 and I will be 24 when I finish my ACP. Am I still a kid and should be in school not on an ambulance? Or when I was 18 should I have not been given an opportunity of a lifetime to gain experience with a company?

Honestly! At 18 you should be considered an adult. At 18 you should act as an adult. Granted now I understand working with so called "kids" and I am not that old or experienced. They can get carried away and be childish. I still however think they deserve the right to work if they can prove themselves. That is why companies create probation periods.

That is why companies create probation periods.


Your right, even though we require the age of 21. I get to give them a life experience, I "discharge" them.... don't even really need a definite reason, in fact, it can be kinda fun!

R/r 911
Play nice people...

Your right, even though we require the age of 21. I get to give them a life experience, I "discharge" them.... don't even really need a definite reason, in fact, it can be kinda fun!

R/r 911

That seems very rude of you to take pleasure in firing others. Is there a point you are trying to make? I'd hate to have someone with that personality treating me...

*disclaimer* no personal attack intended. just wondering what this guy's rationale is in acting the way he does...
Ok, i got through 8 pages of this crap. Now i mean NO disrespect.
Rid, Your an old, jaded person from EMS. You have a problem with the younger EMT's
You have issues with someone who isnt a full Paramedic.
You ACTUALLY seem to believe that as a Paramedic you can provide care. ITS ALL BS. about the best thing we can do in EMS can be done by ALL levels.
We have a term for it here. it is called Deisel Thearpy. There is very little that can be done in the ambulance other than stablize a pt. and get them to the hospital where THE real work is done.
You work in a hospital, thats great. Try to work there without ALL the Doctors, Nurses, Radiologists, TEchs, Resp thearpists, Surgons, Phlebotomists... THE list is Many miles long. that are required to keep the doors open.
Its not just EMS that needs to be redone, its the Entire system.

Yes, I am a younger person Myself. I know my spelling sucks, but i am typing this on a cell phone anyways.
When i work in the city, i see alot of clueless EMT-B's, -I's AND -P's
I also see that its not the age of the person, but the person themselves that determines if they are any good, and capable of helping others.

I do not CARE how many letters come after your name on a sheet of paper.
I only Care if you help those we are here to help.
Everyone Ages different, but thats a fact of life.
(yes i :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about higher insurance rates for driving my car when i never have been in a wreck or got a ticket)
Its actually not just Healthcare that needs reform. Its ALL of Society.
You cannot judge a person on statistics.
I am more than a generalized number.
I have been an EMT-B for 1 year. I have now planned to move ahead into bigger and better goals as my recent posts have said.
I never saw being a Basic the end all of my carreer. I saw it as more of a testing the waters stage. To see if it was really what i wanted to do.
/end rant

Not really Jaded at all :D; in fact most students always request me! What I do NOT tolerate is being stupd,and providing poor patient care, ignorance is allowed as long as one improves. Sorry, been on and continue to be on all side of the fences, where most have not even been. So the difference is I KNOW what medicine is and what it is NOT. Basic level is first-aid care, that's it. A couple of slapping on bandages and splinting, and yes don't forget the oxygen @ high flow rate, BSI, and tx for shock.. Yes, we make you memorize that..

Sorry, were you not the one wanted to "advance" in medicine, and you do not believe in statistics, or evidenced medicine but believe in "Diesel Medicine" .. What kinda of educated statement is that?

I work in a Level I Trauma Center, one of the few advanced level trauma nurses, and I will tell you "fast" driving has NEVER saved anyone. Apparently, you have missed the point of "scrubbing" in, initialing stabilization in the suite, and then finally get to go to surgery & you really think that an additional 2 minutes is going to matter? I bet you still believe in the "Golden Hour myth" as well.

I don't know how advanced your area is in EMS, but I have spoke at Indiana Conferences (great MASH Bashes!) and know there are several progressive EMS there. As well, know there is very LITTLE in difference in care for cardiac patients, other than transferring them to cath lab.

As for as letting people go... you bet, I enjoy clearing house. This is a profession I take very serious (what other profesion should be more serious?), a job, with employers, and you get paid to know what to do, how to perform, function. I will guide, provide information to you to make you succeed, it is up to you to listen and take action.

Too many believe this is a "training ground".. Yes, we all learn something everyday, however; everyone should be competent in the minimal levels without prompting.

R/r 911
OK so most of you people are totally missing the point of this thread.....Members Under 18 / High School Age Members. Not the 18 plus.

As far as Rid being a ................Very knowledgeable mentor.... There is a purpose and definitely a place for those who can be blunt and make the decision to terminate those who can't preform the duties needed. If it was all fluffy bunnies and roses nothing will ever get done.
OK so most of you people are totally missing the point of this thread.....Members Under 18 / High School Age Members. Not the 18 plus.

As far as Rid being a ................Very knowledgeable mentor.... There is a purpose and definitely a place for those who can be blunt and make the decision to terminate those who can't preform the duties needed. If it was all fluffy bunnies and roses nothing will ever get done.

Thank you. There is too much misconception that this is a "club" that one joins to find out if they want to go into medicine, nursing, or whatever. At the same time many fail that majority of us working in this profession takes it very serious As a profession, we do NOT want KIDS, to be harmed, injured both physically and emotionally.

Sorry, it not "playtime" out there. Medics get killed, injured, permanently maimed everyday. So please don't get upset from professionals who do this everyday, for years, and even on plan on retiring from it, to be picky. Our patients deserve only the best, not any second rate material. Dam* right I am picky.

I am not rude, or mean, but I take my FTO/Supervisor position and responsbilities very serious. Downtime means some rest, joking around, but if you don't or an ace at being a medic, time to hit the books, and education room to practice. If you don't, I will have you discharged. Remember, everyone has a boss, and can be replaced, that is my job and those with similar positions.

What I have see more from posts are ones that really work in the field with experience and those that voice opinions and really have limited or no experience. In which, I have to just smile.. realistically, they do not even understand. How can you?

Seriously, taking a 150 hour course, does not make one an expert in EMS, nor even hardly beginning into the EMS profession, yes a starting point.

Maybe another thread should be started with credentials and experience, up-front and honest. We did this once and found it very interesting the diversity of people on the forum.

R/r 911
I think Rid has a point. A valid point and in the field you need to be harsh when it comes to patient and employee safety. Kids need to be kids. I think EMS turns to be a stepping stone for a lot of people just like LPNs use it as a stepping stone to being a RN.
Patients do deserve the best. And they get it. But thats just me.

Maybe another thread should be started with credentials and experience, up-front and honest. We did this once and found it very interesting the diversity of people on the forum
Start us off.
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asclepius, I agree with you, all teens/young adults are different, I know many that are more mature and know more than some adults, I also know some that are the most immature thing you can imagine, but I believe if the right teens come along and are willing to learn and do the work in the fire/EMS field (without putting themselves in danger initially) then we should welcome them and teach them, and allow them to observe.

Where are we allowing these children to "perform" EMTWhaker?

I agree with R/R, and Flight-LP. EMS is NOT a place for children. If we continue to allow such faggotry to occure, and prostitute our profession to anyone with a pulse regardless of age, the monicre of "Ambulance Driver" will prevail. I don't know about any of you but I am filled with anger from the bowels of my soul when some idiot calls me an ambulance driver.

R/R is unequivocally right. This is a PROFESSION, and we are in the medical field. We practice the age old ART of medicine same as a nurse, surgeon, or anyone else. It is NOT a place for children, and the weak at heart.

Back to Whacker's comment above: You are a volunteer, which is where most of us start. There is a clear definable line between being a volunteer medic, and a career medic. Jumping in a squad, of an ambo everynow and then is not the same art as doing it for a career. You dabble in it, and personally I am almost offended that you would begin to presume that your level of expertise is anywhere near the same plain as mine, R/R/, LP's or any other vet. I was a volly for a LONG time. I decided to make what I loved into a career. And my expertise, and outlooks changed ten fold.

Children are not physically, mentally, or emotionally equipped to effectively mitigate this profession adequately under adverse conditions PERIOD!
I regret my earlier comments on this topic. I had not watched the video. What if those children had to respond to a terrorist incident, where people were crushed bleeding and dying? Screaming for help? What if these children had to black tag someone. What if they rolled up to an officer down multiple GSW? No. This cannot be allowed. Maybe if all it is, is helping granny after she fell. These children in the video ARE THE EMS. They are not explorers. For some of us, this is a career, not a nifty cool program for high school students.
Whats Up Guys Iam New Here. moved this if you have to not exactly sure were to post anyway. Iam 17 and From New Jersey i was recently just CPR Certified and now Iam looking into becoming a EMT. i orginally wanted to become a Fire Fighter but i have very bad asthma so it would be impossible for me to work in that field. my friend is a fire fighter so he tends to tell me stuff every now and then. i was just wondering also what should i expect on the test and whats expected of me. also we gear do you get meaning. like pagers shirts pants etc. and also what kind of Emergency Lights can you have in your POV. any help would be appreciated thanks alot.
Whats Up Guys Iam New Here. moved this if you have to not exactly sure were to post anyway. Iam 17 and From New Jersey i was recently just CPR Certified and now Iam looking into becoming a EMT. i orginally wanted to become a Fire Fighter but i have very bad asthma so it would be impossible for me to work in that field. my friend is a fire fighter so he tends to tell me stuff every now and then. i was just wondering also what should i expect on the test and whats expected of me. also we gear do you get meaning. like pagers shirts pants etc. and also what kind of Emergency Lights can you have in your POV. any help would be appreciated thanks alot.

My troll'dar is blaring................

For a minute I actually thought you were serious until you said POV. It's unusual for a clueless newbie to use that term.

If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong. In the meantime, try the search feature and just read a little bit in general. All of your questions will be answered.......................
My troll'dar is blaring................

For a minute I actually thought you were serious until you said POV. It's unusual for a clueless newbie to use that term.

If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong. In the meantime, try the search feature and just read a little bit in general. All of your questions will be answered.......................

What Did i say that you didnt take serious? and what do you mean Clueless Newbie?