2020. What are your goals?


Crowd pleaser
Happy New Year, all.
It’s almost the end of the year, the decade, and the generation. 2020 is knocking on the door and will be here in just a few days.

I am a proponent of bettering oneself, and I love to see others plan for and achieve success.

What are your goals to improve or change your life to be better for the next year, next decade, or next generation?
Finishing my fire card in January. Then my EMS instructor in February, looking at getting my BLS instructor. Eying up my WEMT cert and starting my AEMT. Moving back onto the truck after the new year, which I am excited for. Then finally closing the distance and being in the same city as my better half - happy (not quite) wife, happy life.
I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel for my EMS career. I enjoy being challenged with new things. The Dino side tries to resist change, but I will keep trying to improve.

As for my non working goal. I want to become a better horseman. I developed a love for the horse not to many years ago. There is so much to learn. Also I look forward to teaching my grandchildren about them.
It's been 10 years in Colorado Springs and that's grown a little staid. Mucho PRN gigs means I can work myself to death if I want since there's not much else to do especially in the fall and winter. So I'll be moving to Denver to change things up, or at least that's the plan. I'm on 48/96 so the commuting should be aight.

My probie year is up in March, which will be nice. There's talk of going to a large FD's fire academy which I want to do, if nothing else to have some lateral flexibility should the need ever arise. Following that, it's time to look for MPA programs.
Move out of my "vacation station" that gets like 400 calls a year to a busier station so I can actually gain experience/do my job/stop the atrophy of my medical skills...

Pay down enough bills so I'm not relying on crazy amounts of OT every month

I also want to enquire about getting my State EMT License. I've heard in years past they've had bridge courses NREMT to State but I've also heard I may just have to sit through the entire program from scratch if I really want it. So I need to just up and email the school that runs EMS education/training here about that, at least figure out if there is/isnt a bridge program and what sorts of costs/schedules are involved either way.

If I do that, I can work part time at the Evil Empire operation, that'll help the medical skills, and give me an option if I need the OT but it dries up at my primary dept.

Similarly, finish losing the weight, get into ACFT shape so i can reenlist into the Natl Guard/Reserves. Not just for the second (third?) job pay, but because I'm already 10-11 years time in Service so halfway to retirement already, may as well get in while I still can/before agreeing out so I can get Military retirement on top of my City plan.

Maybe actually save up enough to get out of my apt into something... better I guess, like that condo I was eyeing a few months back (wonder if it's still on the market?)
All great goals. I especially like the non resolution life goals, such as becoming a better horseman and paying it forward as @cruiseforever stated.

I hope each of you achieve those desires, and that the hard work pays off.
Not really big on New Years resolutions, but continue to master the art of work/ life balance; maybe give the CCP-C exam a crack.
Same here for the work/life balance. Also looking to take the CCP-C and C-NPT. May look into becoming an AHA instructor but not sure as the company is going away from AHA.
I'm jumping back into school to just pluck away at a few classes I need, and will be headed back to my previous program (likely as a base-site manager) in April for a better schedule/work life balance with new baby at home. Attending AMTC this year is on my list, as last time in Nashville was an absolute blast.

The wife and I are also looking at selling our townhouse in the spring and looking for a new single family home. In between all of that I am going to put down the craft beer and get back into a solid fitness routine so i can get back to being in the best shape for myself, wife, and daughter. Only have about 15lbs to lose, but this past year with bilateral hernia surgery then the wife being pregnant really took the wind out of my sails for a gym routine and clean eating.

I can't attend this year due to scheduling conflicts but next year my goal is to attend year one of CMTE.
Objectives: CCPC, using my degrees, doing good work, etc.

Use ALL of my PTO this year.
lose 15 pounds.

have fun
Start first job as a medic and gain some experience to go to 911 side 🙌🏻 Continue college courses to obtain my bachelors and get financially stable
Going to an ECMO Specialist course or starting my Masters.

Also planning on applying to speak at a conference and submiting a case study but won't be too upset if those don't happen
Complete my Graduate certificate (should have been done by now, but my school screwed up and screwed me).
Find a new school to enroll in MBA program
Complete at least one cybersecurity certification
Continue fine tuning my presentation skills; make a trip out to a midwest conference
Start an EMS podcast
Lose more weight; I am down 50 lbs already on way to another 75 lbs.

Continue working PT job, to keep skills up; have a great FT job with great benefits; and a 48 on 120 off schedule but extremely slow; so I work PT with a 120 mile average transport to keep skills up.
Already started, shifting from Senior Medic to Medic on a WMD response team, and have some really big things in progress... 2020 should be a bang of a year!
I already work an IT job full time. I want to find an EMS gig I can do with a busier service a couple times a month to see more patients and keep my skills up. I've been running volly on a low volume (140 pt/year) rural rig since I got credentialed, and have easily seen less patients total in the last 5 years than many of you see in a month.