
  1. E

    What are your biggest pain points in the EMS industry software-wise?

    Hello fellow EMS workers! Just to expand on the title, I’m working on a data collection project to see what the biggest pain points are in the EMS industry with the software we use on a day to day basis. For example, in my experience, when inputting patient information and tabulating it, I...
  2. I

    US EMT Study Abroad for Paramedic

    So I have my US EMT licence (NREMT at the BLS level) and I am currently in school working on my AEMT license. I want to go to paramedic school in the future. I am not currently employed as an EMT but I'm working on it. I was wondering if there are opportunities to study abroad for paramedicine...
  3. J

    Advice: 911 (Non-Transport) to IFT and Back to 911 (Transport)

    Hey Y'all. Any advice for someone going back to a 911 agency after a stint in IFT?? The story goes that I got my start at a small agency that was essentially an EMT Assessment Unit (yes, we exist), and worked there for a year and a half before moving across the country and working at an IFT...
  4. J

    Looking for some advice in getting experience

    Here is some background on me: I just turned 19 and got my EMT in Alaska my senior year of high school. I just recently moved down to Everett Washington to attend Everett Community to take the fire science classes to eventually become a firefighter. When I took my Emt class I got my Alaska cert...
  5. K

    New EMT and Pregnant?

    It looks as if I am likely pregnant (blatantly positive home test but no blood test yet). My husband and I were 100% preventing, careful and consistent, and absolutely did NOT want this right now. This was seriously a 1 in 100 chance. However, I don’t believe in abortion and so am going through...
  6. P

    Applying for QA/QI, need ideas

    Hey guys! My name is Joe, a fellow trauma junkie. I have recently been given to opportunity to apply for a QA/QI position at my current place of employment. We run 700-1000 calls a month and its a single man position. The reason the position is open is because the last guy kinda "failed" the...
  7. T

    Returning 1 Year

    I took my EMT Course last year at this time and passed, I also took the NREMT not long after and passed. I received my card and am certified to work as an EMT. I pushed off the job search because I had a well paying job at the time and was trying to save up to finish paying off some debts before...
  8. AlexandraMay3155

    Internship Advice

    Howdy! I am a 21 year paramedic student who finished all the classroom work, and start my clinical internship tomorrow. Background, I am from Fairbanks, Alaska and I recently made the 4,000+ mile drive to Austin, Texas for my externship. The scope of practice, the call type, volume, culture...
  9. M

    Upcoming Interview

    Hi, my name's Matt and I was wondering if any of you had advice before my interview this week. It's for American Ambulance and I couldn't be more excited to start EMS work. What questions should I expect? What kind of answers do I give? *i'll answer 100% honest still* And what can I...
  10. J


    I am 17 and about to graduate high school. The only thing I am faced with the decision of what to do now, I love the medical field but I'm not sure if what I should do whether I should go straight to a pre-med program, or do something cheaper and faster like EMS or surgical tech. Really, I just...
  11. A

    Need uniform suggestions...

    I will be starting my EMT-B course next month and am looking for some navy blue uniform pants. Problem is that am normally a 00 short in women's pants and just under 5ft tall. All the pants I have found have the smallest size being a 0 or 2. Anyone know any brands that might fit or about my...
  12. B

    Question about Self Confidence (Almost done with class) Advice wanted..

    NYS EMT-B So short story(NVM LONG STORY SORRY), In high school I was an explorer(FD) and I was told how to become a full fledged paid fire fighter you need your emt-b and that will be the starting point. I don't know since i'm new to reddit about the whole "All my life I just wanted to help...
  13. E

    Quick advice on how you guys react during acute family member situation

    Hello everyone, I've been an Emt for 8 months now. Working emergencies only in a busy urban city. I always react fast and do proper protocol/procedure and never blank out or freeze. So yesterday I was driving home from the barber and my mother calls me yelling to run upstairs that my...
  14. J

    Looking to pursue a career as a paramedic. Seeking advice/guidance

    Hello EMTLIFE members! My name is Jason and I am interested in pursuing a career as a paramedic! I will try to make this as smooth and simple as possible. Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada (No plans to relocate) Education: Bachelor's of Science, Honor's science major Age...
  15. N

    New EMT working for IFT Company

    Hi everyone! I'm a new EMT in SoCal, and I'll be starting my first job with a company that runs IFTs in the Valley. (This seemed to be the most flexible option for me while I'm still in school) I wanted to know if anyone had any helpful tips/advice they could offer about starting out in the...
  16. J

    What to study for the NREMT Written???

    Hi All, I have just finished my NREMT Skills and I am now ready to take the NREMT Written exam. I am super nervous because I cannot seem to figure out what to study or how to prepare for the exam. What should I use to study for this exam??? Regards Jester
  17. F

    Nervous about my first ride along.

    So I know that this topic has been beaten over and over again. I'm top in my class and ace all of my practicals 100%. I want to get my paramedic before I go onto school to be a trauma surgeon. I feel very confident in my knowledge and skill. But, as my instructors beat into us, "This is how you...
  18. J

    Does a mental illness w/ in-patient hospitalization in the past disqualify you for EMS work?

    Hey, my name is Jon and I have wanted a career in EMS as a paramedic for a long time now. Last night I heard something that concerned me and that's that having a mental illness and being hospitalized for it can disqualify you for any emergency response work. If true, are there any ways to work...
  19. J

    Boot Maintenance

    Hello All, For my EMS Academy we have to polish our boots. Does anyone have any experience with polishing boots? If so, when should I consider to strip and repolish the boots Cheers!
  20. M


    Hey everyone, My name's Tom and I'm 22. I recently decided i want to pursue a career as a Paramedic. i was hoping anyone here on this site with experience can give me some advice on how to go about my education and what certifications i should get so as to make myself more appealing to employers...