Question about Self Confidence (Almost done with class) Advice wanted..


Forum Probie

So short story(NVM LONG STORY SORRY), In high school I was an explorer(FD) and I was told how to become a full fledged paid fire fighter you need your emt-b and that will be the starting point. I don't know since i'm new to reddit about the whole "All my life I just wanted to help people statement" is used or over used, but for me it is true deep down. I always loved going to an elderly persons house for the burt toast that set off the alarm and to see how happy they were that we wanted to help, had smiles on our face and were willing to help the community. So senior year, being an explorer at a fire department was offered by a local tech school to skip the CFR class you were supposed to take JR year, and asked if I would like to do the emt class. So I took the class kinda fell behind, not afraid to admit I delt with an untreated case of hyperthyroidism which ended up causing me to barely be able to get out of bed. I fell behind, along with depression and anxiety I had a tough time, but it was what I wanted so I continued and didn't drop despite what classmates said. 2 weeks before practical my Instructor, one of the best teachers and medics I have ever met, told me unless I put 600% effort in I wouldn't pass or be able to take the practical and even she said it would be a long shot even if I tried to get that amount of work done. I did get all of it done. However my anxiety and depression and the fact that even though I was a smart student, mostly B+/B- in all classes I had a hard time focusing(ADHD) I ended up choking hard, always had trouble with vitals( just the whole 30/30 resp and pulse) and throughout the medical and trauma, I choked which led to failing, no refresher. Not gonna lie, teacher pulled me out side told me, start to break down, she gave me a hug, and walked out of the building after class and went home. Thinking, well I wasn't meant to do this. Graduated HS with honors played varsity hockey but id give it all up at that point just to have my emt(sorry that took so long). Fast forward almost 3 years later I had been working security, taking civil service test for law enforcement and corrections(scoring low-mid 90s) still being at position 3,00 or so outta 10,000 and saw an ambulance drive by while at one of my posts. Thought about still wanting my emt and then went home that night. Woke up the next moring called my grandmother who was in her 90s, lived half the year with my family half the year with my uncles family, and told her I wanted to get my emt, not because I wanted it but needed it and she always kept quiet but would have a small little outburst once in awhile telling me to go for my emt. Called her telling her I was gonna take my emt and she was so happy telling me how she was so happy and when she came home in sept(this year :/) she wanted to see my emt card. I know this part has been long but i felt I need to share. TLDR she had a fall went to the hospital, she always was active in her 60s-the day she passed so this was just to make sure, found out she had terminal cancer in colon, stomach, lungs. Lets just saw we were all crushed, apart of her will(because her husband my grandpa had cancer) she never wanted to know or be treated if she had cancer. So being in ny and the winter we just had we tried to fly up and see her got snowed in both days and a week later she passed. So my point atm in this post is, I am doing this for myself and her.

Disabillities do not define us, but they can make things difficult I will not lie, I don't believe in myself, I have medics, emts and all the other instructors telling me that if I just get that self confidence and find a way to stop choking I will pass. I have an 80 overall avg with a instructor who I was told was the hardest to do well with(every test has questions straight from previous NYS EMT-B written tests). I have been told I aced my trauma practical during practice but went over by 2 mins(12CF out of the 10 MAX) and was told to go faster. I guess what I am trying to asks is since I have few friends and with my disabilities, and the tears and triumphs i have had in this class along with the faliures, How do I believe in myself and what my instructors tell me that I will pass and become a great emt? any advice would really help? As my instructor said, "****** I will tell you two things, don't you ever tell me your disabilities will cause you to fail this class, and two, I believe that you will pass and look back at this embarrassed and go on to do great things."

User TLDR;

So short story- EMT student with an instructor currently Captain at both a A Fire Dept, and Ambulance who I asked, since he has 20yrs+ of experience, "Sir, do you, no bs, think il pass?" "**** I know you will pass and become a great emt you have shown it, the Medics and other EMT instructors say your skills are on point and you know what you are doing, Self confidence Is what you need to fix, after that you won't choke, but when push comes to shove I think you will be fine when the test date comes for both written and practical." (Throws his cig away and walks back inside.) So after talking with some of the instructors, they said if you haven't been failing during this class, trust him and us and you will be fine. and stop second guessing yourself."
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Forum Deputy Chief
Has your hyperthyroidism been resolved? It may have contributed to some of the problems you described.

Suppose it turns out that, for whatever reason, you can't be an EMT. Do you have a backup plan?

I think you have a better chance of getting advice from anyone anywhere if you stick to shorter paragraphs with fewer grammatical errors. I had to really concentrate to understand what you were saying, and I'm still not sure I got it right.

Sorry to hear about your grandmother.


Forum Probie
Has your hyperthyroidism been resolved? It may have contributed to some of the problems you described.

Suppose it turns out that, for whatever reason, you can't be an EMT. Do you have a backup plan?

I think you have a better chance of getting advice from anyone anywhere if you stick to shorter paragraphs with fewer grammatical errors. I had to really concentrate to understand what you were saying, and I'm still not sure I got it right.

Sorry to hear about your grandmother.

Ok I will edit it. Sorry, I am new to this.


Forum Troll
The only way to believe in yourself is to get actual experience in the field. You can believe in yourself in school by passing all written and practical tests but when you get out of the class setting it is completely different.

Also just be warned that already having issues with ADHD, anxiety, and depression will not help you in this field. I’m not trying to discourage you from becoming an EMT but a lot of providers started in this field with no issues and have since developed anxiety, depression, PTSD.


Forum Probie
The only way to believe in yourself is to get actual experience in the field. You can believe in yourself in school by passing all written and practical tests but when you get out of the class setting it is completely different.

Also just be warned that already having issues with ADHD, anxiety, and depression will not help you in this field. I’m not trying to discourage you from becoming an EMT but a lot of providers started in this field with no issues and have since developed anxiety, depression, PTSD.

thanks, and I understand that and have talked ttwo a few friends, both medics and emts, who believe It wont be a problem, they told me to make a post on here to look for suggestions on building myself up but you are right I guess you gotta just do it, can't ask without just jumping head first


Forum Deputy Chief
the problem was I posted it from reddit and that screwed everything up, can someone tell me how to edit this so I can make it short AND TO THE POINT.
Time limit on edit has past. All you could do is reformat post and reply to this post with the better edit.


ex-Parole officer/EMT


Forum Probie
***So This is the updated condensed version.***​
So short story- EMT student with an instructor currently Captain at both a A Fire Dept, and Ambulance who I asked, since he has 20yrs+ of experience, "Sir, do you, no bs, think il pass?" "**** I know you will pass and become a great emt you have shown it, the Medics and other EMT instructors say your skills are on point and you know what you are doing, Self confidence Is what you need to fix, after that you won't choke, but when push comes to shove I think you will be fine when the test date comes for both written and practical." (Throws his cig away and walks back inside.) So after talking with some of the instructors, they said if you haven't been failing during this class, trust him and us and you will be fine. and stop second guessing yourself."


Community Leader
Time limit on edit has past. All you could do is reformat post and reply to this post with the better edit.

Can t delete the post?
From what I understand of this system, the time limit to edit a post is the same as the limit to delete that post. I normally won't edit/reformat a post because that could change the meaning of the content in that post. I would also say you should copy your post, edit it offline, and then copy/paste it into a new post. Make sure you "preview" prior to posting as this will show you how it will appear. Once you're satisfied with the final edit, post to this thread and we'll all enjoy the clarity you desired for us to have.


Forum Probie
From what I understand of this system, the time limit to edit a post is the same as the limit to delete that post. I normally won't edit/reformat a post because that could change the meaning of the content in that post. I would also say you should copy your post, edit it offline, and then copy/paste it into a new post. Make sure you "preview" prior to posting as this will show you how it will appear. Once you're satisfied with the final edit, post to this thread and we'll all enjoy the clarity you desired for us to have.
ok I will edit the post I just had and reply directly to you @ you when its updated. I'm sorry I do not normally use forums, so I am new to this. Forgive me.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
I edited your first post to include the more abridged version you wrote, too.


Forum Deputy Chief
***So This is the updated condensed version.***​
So short story- EMT student with an instructor currently Captain at both a A Fire Dept, and Ambulance who I asked, since he has 20yrs+ of experience, "Sir, do you, no bs, think il pass?" "**** I know you will pass and become a great emt you have shown it, the Medics and other EMT instructors say your skills are on point and you know what you are doing, Self confidence Is what you need to fix, after that you won't choke, but when push comes to shove I think you will be fine when the test date comes for both written and practical." (Throws his cig away and walks back inside.) So after talking with some of the instructors, they said if you haven't been failing during this class, trust him and us and you will be fine. and stop second guessing yourself."

Please take another look at my two questions above, then add the following ones and answer them all if you like: When do you start to feel you are losing confidence -- e.g., during practical exercises, written exams, life in general? Did you have similar feelings before you got involved in EMS? What were your best subjects in high school?


Forum Asst. Chief
It sounds like you're doing just fine. That confidence speech is the generic one I'd give to most people new to EMS who aren't sorely lacking anywhere.