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  1. MylesC

    the 100% directionless thread

    Hey Im also watching the Giants game! Go Giants! Your representing all the way from Florida?
  2. MylesC

    the 100% directionless thread

    Words With Friends? Add me :) MylesC
  3. MylesC

    the 100% directionless thread

    I pulled something in between my Glut and my Hamstring today going into the splits. This Friday im supposed to take an pre-employment physical to make sure im fit to carry people/patients/victims upstairs and not have a heart attack. God this sucks. Ice Ibruprophen DMSO & Arnica gel. Any...
  4. MylesC

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Congrats on starting school. Its a beautifully messed up world out there and someone needs to clean it up
  5. MylesC

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    San Fran? Did you goto the SFPA for your EMT - b?
  6. MylesC

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    The same thing happened to me actually. I thought I completely bombed it. The questions were so vague and the answers werent that solid either. Congrats on passing and the start to a fresh career in EMS!
  7. MylesC

    the 100% directionless thread

    I just finished the book and mini series "Pillars of the Earth" It was pretty awesome. Lots of drama, sex, scandals, murder, and architecture. Staying up late watching movies on your laptop is awesome by the way. *very directionless indeed*
  8. MylesC

    the 100% directionless thread

    Oh I do know what the title of this thread it. Doesnt mean Im not trying to follow along. The myspace picture comment was just a tangent I explored on. I thought people were just a little more "adult" in EMS. You think people that are saving lives would have a little more class
  9. MylesC

    Accessing Delicate Veins

    Just to throw it out there... I had a long discussion with my mom whos been a nurse for the last 30 years. She was perplexed by the bevel down method. I heard from , maybe medic rob that this was an "old school medic" technique? I showed her that article with the guy talking praise about it...
  10. MylesC

    the 100% directionless thread

    This is the most random forum I think ive ever seen. MrBrown - You make up random scenarios and people put in their 2 cents? - Lets see... It seems Sasha is rather popular and everyone wants her? But the drama continues cause someone serenaded her with helicopter noises and the only way...
  11. MylesC

    Am I in the wrong field?

    Honestly if this is truely what you want to do and your heart is completely for being i this field... stick with it. If theres a will theres a way. I see too many people that dont take their jobs seriously. Every patient is someones mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin, ect. If you think you can...
  12. MylesC

    the 100% directionless thread

    Whos Mr Brown? And speaking of weather.. It went from the "Coldest winter/Summer in San Francisco" to global warming hot in East Bay/SF area. WTF and im indoors all day slaving over a stove. Murphy's Law for good weather is killing me. Hows the weather were everyone else lives?
  13. MylesC

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Took the EMT - B and passed with 69 questions Roughly 24 minutes I totally thought I bombed it but here I am now... Certified
  14. MylesC

    Bad Day just gets worse.

    Man thats rough. Those are never words youwant to hear. My aunt has been through cancer twice in fact I drove her last week for a couple more benine tumors to be removed. My grandma (83, and same side) is doing chemo now and is improving. If she can do it so can you. Be strong brother, im...
  15. MylesC

    Accessing Delicate Veins

    Once again this is why they call it "Practicing Medicine"? Somethings there just isnt a for-sure way of doing things. Great information guys I checked out all those articles and they were very cool/enlightening. I personally was never shown the bevel down. In fact it was frowned at maybe...
  16. MylesC

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey everyone- Randomly found this page its pretty cool (Just to throw it out there) Im an EMT-B Finished up with my CPT (Phlebotomy) course and am waiting on all this state paperwork. Done volunteering with fire departments and actually on part (2) of my Santa Clara County Fire test this...
  17. MylesC

    Accessing Delicate Veins

    Right on that makes perfect sence... thanks SOCAL ill try that on the next PT that comes through needing a draw B)
  18. MylesC

    Accessing Delicate Veins

    I hit send by mistake. I was always taught bevel up in my CPT class. is there a hidden trick of the trade that im missing? (oh do tell) Maybe the bevel down makes sure you dont go right through a weak vein?
  19. MylesC

    Accessing Delicate Veins

    Heat packs if you got them. Of course they usually take forever to heat up... but why bevel down? Shouldnt it be up?
  20. MylesC

    The whole acting off duty topic.

    This is too much! Thank you for posting this. I know this guy "mikey" who fits this profile all too well. He did an EMT class and never even certified. Hes all super gun-hoe about FF in the same way. Stickers and shirts galore. Its totally douche-y, but to each their own I guess. Most of my...