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  1. Paladin

    5 NJ cops shot, 2 suspects killed in shootout

    There were 5 total injured officers. 4 from JCPD and 1 from PAPD. Of those 5, 3 were treated and released and 2 are still in critical condition.
  2. Paladin

    5 NJ cops shot, 2 suspects killed in shootout

    I just wanted to give everyone a headsup on this situation. 4 Jersey City Police Officers were injured where 3 where treated and released today from the MC. 2 still remain in critical condition, one of which was a Det. who took a shotgun blast to the face. A Port Authority Officer was also...
  3. Paladin

    hospital corpsman on board

    Welcome aboard shipmate. HM3 here myself out over in NAES Lakehurst. Stay safe
  4. Paladin

    Day or Night?

    I do both days and nights. I mainly prefer nights more than days. Some of my better reasons are that their is no administration( you know what they say about when the cat is away) plus the night shift I realized that because there are no supv. there is a closer bond and comraderie between us...
  5. Paladin

    the 100% directionless thread

    I hate being sent home from work because I'm sick. :sad:
  6. Paladin

    AtlantiCare MICU Paramedics....25 years of saving lives.

    I dont work for AtlantiCare but at the hospital, my Clinical Coordinator used to work there and supposedly for a while. Congrats guys on the achievement especially in our state.
  7. Paladin

    Ever get mistaken for a police officer

    The one agency I work for, all the time considering the patch says police dept on it, we wear police uniforms with badges. When i work the Hospital Special Ops, our uniforms look like the NYPD ESU with subdued patches so once again its possible to be called a cop. when I volly, they dont...
  8. Paladin

    What do you think?

    From one Navy man to another, here is what I did. See, I am a reserve HM so naturally I assumed (never do that) I would get some sort of reciprocity. I did not, but i did get to take the EMT-B class for free. Now, me being a Corpsman, it was difficult "forgetting" some things I cannot use as...
  9. Paladin

    NJ EMS and EMS Supplies

    Depending on where you live, there is another great store in Northern NJ by me called Turnout Uniforms in Jersey City. The girls behind the desk are great.
  10. Paladin

    Grady doc blasts decision to cancel 911 call

    According to the article from what I understand, it seems that the ambulance company and the FD have a joint agreement that both respond in high priority calls. If I am mistaken, I apologize. What I am saying is though, if it is in fact an ALS unit ambulance on scene, shouldn't they be...
  11. Paladin

    Birthday shout!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday my man. Enjoy it and have a round for us...:beerchug:
  12. Paladin

    Fake paramedic charged with forgery, impersonation

    It would be interesting to see what AMR has to say about not only hiring him but letting him work the 17 months until the news investigation found out. It is just another way we look negatively as a public safety component. Is their really a lack of EMT and Medic jobs there that they just let...
  13. Paladin

    Grady doc blasts decision to cancel 911 call

    I agree as well. What were the guys on the ALS ambulance doing the whole time? Only problem I see is with the FD for breaking protocol and possibly knowing wat the hell they are doing.
  14. Paladin

    When the rig DOESN'T respond.

    Since we are a MICU/BLS department, our BLS units have contracts with towns and their volunteer companies. Depending on the contract depened on the time of dispatch. One town in particular, their tones are: 0000-First tone 0004-second tone 0005-We start heading toward the town which is...
  15. Paladin


    Yes I may have a badge that is required for work but for everyone else here is one badge you can't ignore:
  16. Paladin

    Can I make enough as an EMT

    Really now? And where would this be taking place at? Vanguard...I mean Hackensack University?
  17. Paladin

    Any Help

    Lucid: Just to let you know, CONTOMS which is through the Casualty Care Research Center was temporarily separated due to lack of funding. Some of the gentleman that where on the faculty have left and created their own programs. Any word how that affects your team?
  18. Paladin

    I need uniform help! STAT!

    Bossy, No offense by it intended. I think I can count myself out of the non smart:censored: gene pool lol. Btw is this still good from 3 APR 2008:
  19. Paladin

    My First Experience With Death - I'm Not An EMT

    Kurt, all of us here are sorry for what you had to see. It is something that probable wont go away for awhile. You have two options: let it destroy you mentally and have it eat away at you, or you can use it as a motivator and to remind yourself that it can happen to anyone. Remember the old...
  20. Paladin

    I need uniform help! STAT!

    Only a mom would give you the technical answer. As for the shirt wear a job shirt or issued jacket all day in the field.