Birthday shout!!!!!!!!


Forum Deputy Chief
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Today on this day Apage99 came into the world......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY APAGE!!! :birthday:
Happy Birthday my man. Enjoy it and have a round for us...:beerchug:
Thanks! 35 years and climbing B)

My PC has been dying off & on all day.....I hope it's not a foreshadowing of things to come LOL!!!

We're having a nice little party at the local coffee joint rounds of extra dark roast coffee are on me!
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Apa!!
:beerchug::beerchug: (replace the beer with Timmys coffee hehe)

Hope you have an awesome day buddy!
Well only the great was born on this day... we share birthdays.
R/r 911
Well then, happy birthday guys! For me birthdays are like my ex-wives... I quit counting how many.
Well only the great was born on this day... we share birthdays.
R/r 911

Sweet! Happy Birthday! Maybe some of your knowledge and exp will transfer this way by birthday osmosis :D

I got my new scope today and my surgeon buddy gave me a check to buy my own sphygmomanometer (I just wanted to type that). The jokesters got me a Fisher Price doctor kit....I'm taking that to class with me on Monday :P
Also on this great day.......... Rid!

Well only the great was born on this day... we share birthdays.
R/r 911

RID MAN!!!! Well how about that!! Happy Birthday Rid!!!!! :birthday::beerchug::birthday: Pssst Rid, do we need a burn permit for the candles on the cake! :P Anna ;)
Hmmm Mother Juggs and Speed Time!!

I hear the chant in the woods..... E-Bay! E-Bay! E-Bay!!!!!! ^_^:P^_^
The search contiues for Rid's BD present!!

Hmmm Hey Vent!! Do you think we could find it on the "Antiques Road Show?? :P