Favorite Pranks

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Grumpy Badger
EMS is one of the best environments for pranking coworkers, and at my current company we put a lot of time into pulling off good and complicated pranks. What are some of your favorites?

We have a newbie who thought it was funny to try and jump out and scare us all the time. He was warned to knock it off or we'd get him back but apparently he didn't know when to quit... So when he went out on a call we seized the moment...

Removed all his furniture and personal stuff from his room and set it all up in the app bay just the way he had it inside. Then we took the hinges off his door. Next, I took one of his favorite sneakers, triple bagged it (didn't want to ruin it after all...) then filled another bag with water, stuck his wrapped shoe in it and threw it in the freezer. Finally we found his car keys and moved his car around the block.

The look on his face as he discovered all of our sabotage... priceless!
Got ahold of a coworkers keys and took out his front seats and then faced them backwards in his truck and bolted them down.

Saline bag taped to the wheel with tubing ran up the side aimed at the driver.

Hung the gurney from the hand rail inside the ambulance.

And some other ones that I'm not going to say...
I've heard some bad ones like kool aid in the boots. However, if anyone messed with my equipment heads would roll. Which is why many departments have polices not to :censored::censored::censored::censored: w/ others' equipment.
I recall reading someone where someones boots were filled w/ H20 & they ended up w/ steam burns. :censored:

Fun pranks, like cinnamon dragon, drinking a gallon of milk in an hour, dumping water on someone. My buddy has tied up and forced to eat a paintball :rofl:
I've been sprayed a few times...
It's all fun in games.
When I was doing clincals, I would always back my truck in @ the dept, and when I went out on a run, a few guys tied latex gloves to my hitch. didn't notice it until the next day when my Dad had said something :blink:

they also saran wrapped my notebook and put peanut butter all over it.
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10cc syringe filled with water. Inject it into the driver and passenger seat. Looks dry until you sit down.

Also while a crew was at the hospital we strapped the back doors closed with backboard straps.
The super-cape trick is a fun one if you know that the crew is going to a specific place (i.e. NOT on a call). Going to a meeting is the best. Take a sheet and close it into the top of the back doors and then flip it up over the top of the ambulance so it isn't really noticeable. When they pull out they have a great big cape streaming out behind them! This one can backfire if management sees it though...

Our station has paneled ceilings and we've been known to run IV tubing through the ceiling between rooms. Position the end over someones bed and then you squeeze the bag in the next room so they get a little shower!
The super-cape trick is a fun one if you know that the crew is going to a specific place (i.e. NOT on a call). Going to a meeting is the best. Take a sheet and close it into the top of the back doors and then flip it up over the top of the ambulance so it isn't really noticeable. When they pull out they have a great big cape streaming out behind them! This one can backfire if management sees it though...

Our station has paneled ceilings and we've been known to run IV tubing through the ceiling between rooms. Position the end over someones bed and then you squeeze the bag in the next room so they get a little shower!

I have done something similar. I froze the bag so it will slowly drip on their face/head late at night.
I'm too grumpy to answer right now. Suffice to say things can get out of hand.
I've never pulled pranks on the job, but I was involved in a prank war back in college in my early 20's. Highlights of the prank war involved:

Blowing up hundreds of balloons and stashing them in trash bags in a nearby dorm-room. Then when the victim went to the gym to work out, we 'borrowed' her room key from the locker room, and filled her closet with balloons, piled them on her bed, on the floor, and everyplace we could stuff them. Her key was then returned to the locker-room.

Pineapple life-savers in the shower head.

Two drops of methylene blue in a victim's bottle of Pepsi-Blue.

Filling paper water-bombs and dropping them on the victim as they passed under the window on their way back to the dorm.

Changing people's outgoing voice-mail messages.

Going to one of the public phones on campus and leaving prank phone messages. Usually from Elmo or a Telly-tubby with the aid of a toy.

Paper bag with flour, inflated, and the top crimped. Slide the crimped edge under the door and jump on the bag. Flour shower.

Tying a rubber bat to a piece of fishing line, and hanging in from the ceiling. When the door opened, the bat would swing at them at eye-level.

Using my roommate's computer's screen reader, and recording a message for the IT department from the computer saying it was sick and needed help. (actually got the fastest response time from them. Usually they took days to respond. This one got a response first thing the next morning. They also wanted to know how we got the computer to leave the message).
I'm too grumpy to answer right now. Suffice to say things can get out of hand.

Agreed. I will leave it at use search feature as this idiotic topic has been done multiple times before.
Agreed. I will leave it at use search feature as this idiotic topic has been done multiple times before.

Yea anyone that puts nitro on the toilet seat should have their license revoked. And then banned from this site :o

-no joke!
Had one guy put the "cracked screen" screen saver on one of the Toughbooks. The next shifts crew turned it into IT, who in turn looked it over and sent it to Panasonic for repairs.
And who says those IT guys are smart.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
not really an EMS prank but something i saw a while ago and i wanna try <.<
Agreed. I will leave it at use search feature as this idiotic topic has been done multiple times before.

Negative Nancy much?

Hanging the cot from the grab rails is always good provided it doesn't mess with a response.
Negative Nancy much?

Hanging the cot from the grab rails is always good provided it doesn't mess with a response.

Unless ambulance is out of service permanently no way to be sure won't mess with response.

But again as the dangers to the stupidity have been pointed out previously many times in many of these exact post I bid you goodbye.
Tie a rubber band to the spray nozzle at the sink, and direct it forward. The first person to turn on the water will get a little shower.

If someone falls asleep in the day room, tie their shoelaces together, but be ready to catch them if they get up for a call so they don't do a face plant.

Take someone's sneakers, take out the shoe laces, and lace them starting at the ankle, so that the bow is at the toes. When they go to PT, they'll get a surprise.

Put someone's clothes in a basin of water and put that basin in the freezer.

Get someone's car keys, drive their car around the corner and put their keys back.

Call dispatch and use an Arnold Schwartzenegger soundboard to speak to them.

Come up with a word of the day or phrase of the day for sanity - work this word or phrase into dialogue during a call. My favorites are:

Sad and unfortunate

Who is your daddy and what does he do


That was epic

Let's roll up our sleeve and get down to business

You can also parrot back whatever the pt says. For example:

Pt c/o toe pain for three weeks

Provider 1 - So, you've had toe pain for three weeks?

Provider 2 - Did you say toe pain for three weeks?

Provider 3 - Copy, toe pain for three weeks

Provider 4 - Just to be clear sir, you say that you've had toe pain for three weeks, correct?

This all should occur in under a minute. First person to do it gets three points, 2nd gets 2 points, third person 1 point. If the pt calls you out on it, you lose all the points for the day up to that point. Loser gets dishes, or nightwatch, has to clean the bus by themselves, or something like that.
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Come up with a word of the day or phrase of the day for sanity - work this word or phrase into dialogue during a call. My favorites are:

Sad and unfortunate

Who is your daddy and what does he do


That was epic

Let's roll up our sleeve and get down to business

You can also parrot back whatever the pt says. For example:

Pt c/o toe pain for three weeks

Provider 1 - So, you've had toe pain for three weeks?

Provider 2 - Did you say toe pain for three weeks?

Provider 3 - Copy, toe pain for three weeks

Provider 4 - Just to be clear sir, you say that you've had toe pain for three weeks, correct?

This all should occur in under a minute. First person to do it gets three points, 2nd gets 2 points, third person 1 point. If the pt calls you out on it, you lose all the points for the day up to that point. Loser gets dishes, or nightwatch, has to clean the bus by themselves, or something like that.

I'm doing this tonight!
Unless ambulance is out of service permanently no way to be sure won't mess with response.

But again as the dangers to the stupidity have been pointed out previously many times in many of these exact post I bid you goodbye.

:sad: Awwww... Sounds like somebody doesn't like pranks...

I'm a big fan of the Saran wrap across the door at face level.
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