Stuff you are just sick and tired of reading and hearing

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As I said in a different thread:

"I know." If someone calls you out on something that you did not do correctly and then explains the proper technique, do not respond with "I know that." Clearly you did not know that, or you would have done it the right way the first time.

"We're BLS, we have to transport priority since we don't have medics."

"Calling medics only for pain control is stupid."

"We don't need to check the ambulance, I had this truck yesterday."

"Sealed first-in bags are a good idea."
Me: Why are you putting that NRB on?

Cause its protocol.

But their sat is 100% on room air.

But....its protocol.....

I wish I still had the picture of the ambulance from my old company that got a parking ticket for parking in a red zone at a hospital.
Showed up on scene of seizure pt with bystanders holding spoons in their hands.

"Well, what happened was..."

"Don't give a COPD pt more than 2l/m NC."

"Hyperventilate ALL TBI's"

People with upset stomachs eating heavy foods then Dial 911 for vomiting.

Febrile infants vomiting only to find out mother fed the child whole milk.

"If I call the ambulance I'll get seen faster."

People dialing 911 from ER waiting room because they're tired of waiting.

I could go on and on.
sorry bro, our C7 is like gold and might not last very long

park where I want

Really? Your company must just love the image you present.

Sent from my out of area communications device.
I wish I still had the picture of the ambulance from my old company that got a parking ticket for parking in a red zone at a hospital.

Honestly I think that's kind of ridiculous. Professional courtesy goes a long way in my books. I've done that a few times, but that is because the bays are all full and there is no where else to park after dropping a pt off.
Honestly I think that's kind of ridiculous. Professional courtesy goes a long way in my books. I've done that a few times, but that is because the bays are all full and there is no where else to park after dropping a pt off.


1. The hospital had been extremely clear about where it was appropriate to park.

2. The location of the ambulance presented a clear threat to anyone turning onto the main road, especially since the ambulance was not in a position to be clearly seen when people started making the turn.

So, yea, when you park here on a non-emergency run, you've earned your ticket and the ambulance probably should have been towed.
Hm. Yeah. That is a bit ridiculous to park there. Our fire zone is still by the ER and presents no hazards to others. That seems like a bad place to park though
While getting toned to an MVA: "law enforcements requests evaluation for pt involved requests non code response" as every unit enroute still screams code there. Annoying!
Hm. Yeah. That is a bit ridiculous to park there. Our fire zone is still by the ER and presents no hazards to others. That seems like a bad place to park though

Well, to add to the fun, that isn't anywhere near the ED. If you zoom out and notice the vehicle ramp now labeled "thru traffic only" immediately to the NE, that was the old ambulance entrance to the ED at that hospital. There's no reason for anyone to be parking there unless there's an emergency at that specific building.
The phrase "just saying" or "that's just what I think" or "that's just my opinion," since those are normally thrown in as an attempt to prevent critical analysis of the actual post.

I'm going to add "just sayin'..." to all my posts now just to piss you off ;)

I think everyone covered the standard sayings already.

I'm tired of the question "What's the craziest thing you've ever seen?" or the statement "You must see some intense stuff!"

While getting toned to an MVA: "law enforcements requests evaluation for pt involved requests non code response" as every unit enroute still screams code there. Annoying!

No offense to any LEO's in the bunch but this is because half if not more can't be trusted when it comes to a medical evaluation enough to know if a code response is needed.
"Priority 2 for an unconscious. Patient is a 34 year old male, conscious and breathing"

"Priority 1 cardiac arrest. 88 year old, not conscious, not breathing"

"Take it to CMH for post."
I think Dispatch doesn't realize we lost that contract two years ago. And its in one of the most traffic-laden areas of the county. 15 miles from our closest contract facility. I sit there every day.

"You'll want to talk to..."

After following that statement around in a circle to the first person you talked to:

"We'll look into it" The hell do you mean you'll look into us needing yankauer caths? Just send us some.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
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