You know you are an EMT/Paramedic when...

When you can go from a dead sleep to driving top speed to your next call in under 5 min.
When you start planning to get fuel when the gauge hits three quarters (regardless of whether you are at work or not)
When you're in a restaurant where the fryolator alarm sounds like a pager and you freak out for a moment.
When you don't pull up too closely behind someone at a light so that you can get around them.
when your family won't watch TV with you because you say everything that is wrong with shows

Did this watching a show. It involved an MCI -- train crash -- and during triage, the medics had time to sit over a pt and talk about their feelings of drama in their personal life.
I was sitting there like, "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works."
When you try to punch the ER door code into your home garage door keypad.

(And every ER is something simple like 911*)
When you sit down on your throne to handle some business and tones go off right as you get situated.
When you try to punch the ER door code into your home garage door keypad.

(And every ER is something simple like 911*)
Only 1 of our ERs is like that. The rest are more numbers. I hate our burn center's keypad. It's electric with digital numbers that change location everytime you turn they keypad on
When you are in the Out pt unit at a local hospital for testing; and the fire alarm goes off, and they announce over the PA, and by yelling that everyone in the unit needs to evacuate.
I just kept sitting there, reading; everyone left, came back after FD cleared the unit, I was still in the corner reading: I had looked and sniffed didn't see or smell anything, and ignored it.
The manager almost sh**ed herself when they walked back in and saw me sitting there.
I got in next.

Hospital that I did clinicals in was county hospital, and the only time we evacuated was if we had flames that we couldn't handle with extinguishers (OR during intubations, had a fire, another medic student and I put it out). Fire alarms who cared
When you're at work on a unit, and you're worried your 5 year old will get your take home radio, clip the mic, and belt out "daaaddy??..."
When you back your POV into the garage at home and start looking for the radio mic to mark in quarters.
Yes, or the blasted reaching for the gear shift in your car like it's the ambulance:eek:

Or the transmission lock switch. Or resetting the mileage all the time.

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Lol, touché. I do love my Tacoma:cool:
My 05 Dakota gear shift lever is in roughly the same spot as our 2012 E450 chassis Mod o_O

I do however back my pickup in everywhere I can, but I actually blame the Army for that haha :D

Though I never set the parking brake 100% of the time on my truck like i do now until I started driving an ambulance :p
Yes, or the blasted reaching for the gear shift in your car like it's the ambulance:eek:

This! And also hitting the brakes harder than you need to in your POV. I notice I do this in my Civic after driving the box all night.
When your medic wakes up on the opposite side of the city and notices that you have made 7 post moves in 2 hours and he cant remember any of them!