Emergency Medical Texan
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- 375
- 83
About 19: long story short, guy is altered and might be on something, locks himself in the gas station bathroom
Cop notes he's altered, diaphoretic, stumbling, weak. Pt claims sickle cell.
This is not to attack any of the medics, but I mean, doesn't that open you up for liability if you walk the pt and they fall, injuring themselves?
I mean, the guy took some verbal nudging to get up but followed commands and answered questions after a second.
But at the same time, he seemed kinda unfit to walk as it is an unnecessary risk.
I don't think I would, but then again, I've heard a lot of medics use the "Airway, Breathing, Can you walk to the ambulance", because they're not waiters and aren't gonna just baby every pt.
There was a medic from NY I knew and worked with a few times that I didn't like. Once we had to take a Bari discharge an hour and a half or so from ED to home. We were told someone would be there for the pt. On arrival, we find out, that person is sick and cannot take care of our pt.
It was a basic call and we were assist. The primary crew was BLS. I know them, they're a good team. Us basics all agree there's no way we can leave her. She can't walk or feed herself or anything, she's too weak.
The medic on the other hand threw a hissy fit. Saying we just need to leave her there by herself and she'll be fine, blah blah blah. He goes, "Back in newyork, we would have just yeeted her" abd he gets up on one leg and pulls the other up abs does that basketball throw pose and shoots his arm to indicate he'd just toss the pt in and leave.
He gets kinda mad but we're all firm, we're taking her back. He's mad the whole time back, but he drives our unit.
I learn later that he tried to blame the primary crew for trying to leave her.
As for the second, is there really any defense for getting to leave her? If she was AOX4 GCS15 and wanted to, having no idea when she'd get help, would you?