We only pay 1.5x over our pre scheduled hours (over 56, per FLSA). All OT is either holdover, late calls, or prescheduled OT. I would think that more would need to be hired, maybe 20-30% more employees to cover the 16 hours lost per FF. We used to do two 10's and 2 14's.
If we are only paying OT over our pre-scheduled 56 hours/wk per FLSA, how is a 40 hour workweek saving money? All of our pre-scheduled work hours are straight time. More employees to pay medical benefits, pension, etc. etc. I'm not getting it.
Here is another way to look at it. Reduce areas or even eliminate areas that could be worked upon between responses such as pre-planning, code enforcement, etc. duties usually assigned to the man of the 9-5 shifts and eliminate their positions thus saving money and increasing productivity. In between calls, one would be doing something. Televisions and recliners could be removed .. "Gasp!" and be an actual workplace.
With all the "sleep deprivation" studies and increasing risks of known health problems associated with sleep disorders; why increase the risks and pay for it later?
Unions can't have their cake and eat it too. If there is no money and there is a way to modernize and increase productivity, and lower tax base rate, why would any fire service be against it? If they
truly were for what is the best for the citizens! A more productive fire service, less tired firefighters (more safe for them) and less budget.. a win, win situation! Why should firefighters have any better retirement, benefit package than any other city worker? I would argue that animal control places their lives in danger on more a regular basis as well as the trash/sanitation and road worker than the majority of firefighters.
As well, each fire needs to be closely reviewed and scrutinized. Could better attack been done? Did the officer in charge, actually perform their job/role precisely? Did the team really do their best? Why not have independent audits perform reviews to ensure the best tactics was performed. Merit wages based upon knowledge and performance should be attached to promotions and benefits. No more "blanket" raises. Want a raise, show something more than showing up for work and working out.
Imagine, reduced taxes, better up-keep on equipment and firefighters having to work more than 10 days a month! Reduce the salary based upon the merits of the job as education and performance level. With this action, we would see how many would want EMS to be within the Fire Service area, as EMS is about 70-85% of fire services responses. It would be very interesting.
As more and more communities are looking at ways to reduce overhead and budgets, this could be a very manageable way of decreasing costs and increasing jobs.
R/r 911